Why, has been the most frequent question I have asked in the last 2 years. I remember vividly April 1, 2016, my daughter calling me and telling me she had applied to go on the World Race and got accepted and was leaving in a month. Now this occurred a year before she graduated from MSU. I remember being so angry with her that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore, immediately hung up and called her brothers to tattle on her and to get them to call her and talk sense into her life choice. It wasn’t that I was opposed to serving the Lord, I was just so bent on her graduating from college first. Both my sons responded the same way, “that’s awesome” or “that’s so cool”, not the support I had been seeking. I already knew her father would be all in. I remember just fuming, pacing back and forth and asking “Why? Why now?” to make a long story short it was April fool’s day and she had gotten me.

Thirteen months later she graduated from college and started packing for the World Race, 11 countries in 11 months, with just a backpack. She started fundraising, and the support she received was just confirmation that she was doing exactly what God had called her do. I can’t tell you how amazing everyone was, the support of the whole county, family, friends, coworkers, everyone came together. In my heart I knew it was God’s calling, but my mind kept screaming WHY? Why would you put yourself through this? Why take the risk of the diseases as we are getting the dozens of vaccines and talking about pour water quality. Why? she had the opportunity for a good job, food, a bed, nice clothes, Why? she had worked so hard to have nice things, and was leaving all of it behind. Why? Why not stay home, so many need hope here. Which was one of the most common statements heard as she fundraised for the trip. “I don’t know why you don’t just take care of the ones here, in our own backyard”. A question I had previously asked myself.

Then she left, a hard goodbye to say the least. All sorts of doubts and fears crept in. Then an amazing peace. But it wasn’t until her journey began that I saw and heard the answers to all my Why’s. God was preparing her for now, this amazing journey that some liked to call a glorious vacation on someone else’s dime, took her to some heartbreaking places. So much pain and suffering to people whose culture dictated a life without Christ. Opportunity to love on people and give them hope. Even brought her in contact with the beautiful christian man whom will be her husband soon. It was an opportunity to appreciate everything and realize that all the small things that make our day to day world seem so crazy, are nothing. Her testimony is one that has changed the way I think about everything I have and take for granite.

And then it ended, and she came home, leaving behind so many people that she had grown to love and care about. A whirlwind of plans at first, get a job, move closer to Dosson. Plans to try and go back to Thailand by December. She was all over the place. She quickly got a job in Birmingham, Alabama and moved, seeking to make as much money as possible, hoping to make up for lost time. Of course, I am asking Why? to everything. Why? Birmingham, Why? Thailand and then I got the call. Leaving from Georgia in a week with the World Race America pilot program to travel with 12 other alumni world racers in a van for 11 months all over the USA. What? Why? The short answer God’s plans for her are not done. Since the day she left I have to stop myself from asking Why? Why live in a homeless shelter, why? Why struggle to find a place to sleep, Why? Why not just come home? Very selfish questions, I am very aware of, in case you were wondering. Then I hear the testimonies, the beautiful lost souls they come in contact with, hurting and confused, condemned by society, a small group of people who struggle to give hope, it would be easier to leave it all behind and come home, back to their comfortable beds and familiar faces. To top it all off they have to fundraise to stay out in the field. They have to ask for financial help. One of the hardest things is asking for help. Why? why can’t they just get jobs like normal people, Why? why so much money? Why? Why can’t they affiliate with an already established organization?

The answer is always the same because God has a plan that is bigger and better than our own. Being obedient to what God has called you to do, it’s hard. God’s way of living usually contradicts the world’s. To live for God, you must be ready to say and do what seems strange to the world. You must be willing to give when others take, to love when others hate, to help when others abuse. By giving up your own rights in order to serve others. Each Beatitude tells how to be blessed. “Blessed” means more than happiness. The Beatitudes don’t promise laughter, pleasure and earthly prosperity. To Jesus “Blessed” means the experience of hope and joy, independent of outward circumstances. To find hope and joy, the deepest form of happiness, follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Poor in spirit, mourning, meekness, righteousness, mercy, pure in heart, peacemaker, persecuted, all are worthy of the kingdom of heaven. Why? why World Race America? Why support them? Because they are doing what God has called them to do. I pray for God to place it upon your heart to give and prayerfully support.

-Laurie Klimkoski