The best moments are one that no camera in the world could ever capture. Those moments that make you swallow something in your mouth that doesn't even exist. That make you feel like crying you're so happy. Realizing that, not only are there pancakes for breakfast, but there's peanut butter to go with them, a hug from someone who picks you up and spins you around, seeing you have an e-mail from someone back home, the morning sunrise, a little Thai girl singing '10,000 reasons' in perfect english, releasing a lantern into thousands of floating lanterns all above Chiang Mai, a child strumming your guitar sitting on your lap. Those moments make me wish I could press pause and just sit back in an arm chair and embrace that indescribable feeling. 

I'm Laying in my hammock , as cozy a hibernating bear in the dead of winter. Around me, there are tents scattered in a tamarind tree orchard.  I have my big oversized down sleeping bag and my little purple pillow (thanks mom). I'm looking up at the silhouettes of the trees against the Thailand night sky. The stars bright and clear and the peaceful sounds of nature all around me.
What a moment.

Yesterday after we ate dinner with the kids, I helped some of the boys with their manly fire-building. After we got it going a bit, one of my little buddies came over and started doing his homework. His name is Mahn. He sat right next to me (practically on top of me) and started showing me his book. I asked him to read a poem out of it. With his little index finger he showed me where he was reading so I could follow along. He concentrated so hard and had the biggest smile on his face when he finished.
What a moment. 

Last night around table with some homemade popcorn we heard the indcredible stories of a man who has pursued Christ all his life. He and his wife were foster parents. They had over 300 kids go through their home to eventually find families. They poured their love onto so many children.  He told us a story about a little girl they had tried to adopt but ultimately had to give back because of the laws in Isreal. It broke my heart, but he doesn't give up.  He has gone through the loss of a love and his children turning away from God.  But he knows, with no doubt, the Lord will make good. He told us, "it's not about how much you sacrifice, it's about obedience."
What a moment.

These moments are little glimpses of heaven.