I can’t believe today is finally here. As I sit in bed thinking about the past couple of weeks with so many emotions every step of the way. I can finally say I have arrived. Today has probably been one of the hardest days of my life. Dealing with all of these dynamics of emotions, excitement, struggles, and letting go of the unknown has been a lot to bare. As I pulled up to the door I finally broke down and started to cry. It finally hit me that this is the start of something that I have no control over.

  As I walked into the lobby I felt even more overwhelmed but comforted. It was so weird to see the smiling faces of my teammates and then turn around and see the tears in my mother’s eyes. I have never been so torn and so excited in my whole life. It was moments after that that I finally realized that I am not alone I am walking into a new family not leaving one behind. With no sleep and nerves going out of control, I still hadn’t grasped what was going on. I was at peace but also still uneasy at the same time. I walked into worship time and felt His presence again. I had forgotten through all of this ciaos that I need His presence more than anything.  After worship I finally felt settled in and ready to do this. My teammates and I sat down and finally got to talk about where we were, encourage each other, pray for each other, and just love on one another.

  After spending time in prayer with them and talking about Your Kingdom Glory Lord being brought to your nations now more than ever I am excited to do this. I am ready to bring healing to your nations, hope to your people, freedom to the slaves, love to the wounded, and joy to broken hearted. Daddy please be with us these next couple of days as we prepare to do your ministry, give us strength, and peace through the unknown. Thank you for choosing us, thank you for loving us, thank you for opening these doors. I love you Daddy and am super excited to do your ministry!