Welcome to Haiti!

This month has been a sweet surprise. I came into this month thinking that we were just going to sweat and be miserable all month; that we would be overwhelmed by the poverty here and struggle with the spiritual atmosphere so much. Those things have happened indeed, but we have also seen the way Jesus’ light is absolutely shining in this place. It is all squad month, so all 48 of us are staying in a dorm style guesthouse at Mission of Hope Haiti. This place is wonderful with what they do and how they do what they do. This place is all about empowering Haitians to meet the spiritual, physical, and educational needs Haiti by impacting EVERY man, woman, and child in Haiti.

I was not super thrilled to come to Haiti, but the Lord has softened my heart to the people of this country so deeply. I actually had my favorite day of ministry on this race so far last week. We were helping out with VBS (basically just walking the kids to the different stations that were all led by Haitians), and I had the most wonderful opportunity to love on some sweet kids. We have gone to villages nearby to pray with people, play with kids, and spread some light into the darkness here in Haiti.

I am falling more and more in love with the squad as I spend this month with them and doing ministry alongside them. This group of people is so special to my heart and I am so proud of them for the way they are stepping out in boldness and embracing this World Race life already. I don’t have very many more words so here are a few pictures for you.

I will be having an Oragami Owl fundraiser starting within the next few days to help support me being on the field this time. I will be posting that in its own blog though. Thank you for allowing me to do what I do.

Much love,






P.S. Here is the video for Mission of Hope the organization we are partnering with here in Haiti