"He delights in your delight."

This phrase played in my mind continuously during my last day in Belize. I spent the afternoon in the chapel in worship and prayer, processing all that I had experienced in the last week. This simple phrase contains so much meaning to me. 

I think at times it's easy to get into a slave mentality, that we have to strive to receive blessings, or sacrifice the things we love in order to please God. What we may forget is that the things that we delight in, the things our hearts are so passionate about, are placed there intentionally by God. When we discover our desires, our dreams, it's like we're discovering gifts God has given us. The joy that we experience when we do those things we are designed to do bring such joy to God. We are seeing and appreciating His gift and walking in His will.

This phrase was one of the deciding factors that made me apply to the World Race. I have a passion for the global church, for travel, for community, and missions. These things fill my heart with so much joy I think I could explode. This trip is all about me walking in who God has designed me to be, and I love thinking about that.


As my first fundraising deadline is fast approaching, I have become anxious and stressed about the amount of funds I have yet to raise. I keep brainstorming ideas of how to come up with more funds, and what I can do differently to be more effective. I know that I can trust God to be the ultimate provider, but when it comes to something as tangible and daunting as finances, it is easy to lack faith. 

Last night at my college group, the Grove, we paired up with strangers in prayer. After sharing our biggest need (mine was fundraising), we took time apart to pray and listen to God, before coming back together with our partner and sharing what God had spoken to us. 

My prayer partner, Dani, came back to tell me that all God is wanting me to do right now is delight in Him. Now is a time to rest and relax in peace, and delight in His presence and all He is doing in my life. That word, "delight" still carries so much meaning to me. It is simplistic, trusting, and innocent – those things we are to be as children of God. 

I guess I needed a reminder of why I am taking part in the World Race; delighting in the Lord as he delights in my joy.