So for the past few days I’ve been struggling to find the words to be able to describe all that’s gone on within the past few days here in Quito, Ecuador. So to get some inspiration I went to the balcony roof type of thingy at our ministry. Which by the way has a GORGEOUS view. We’re literally surrounded by mountains up there. God’s creation dude, it’s dope.

So I was going to talk ministry and all that stuff, but that’s not what Jesus wants me to talk about today.. 

Jesus told me to get deep with y’all, so here we go. Last Friday, things changed a little for me. You see, for awhile I had been feeling pretty distant for the Lord and I wasn’t sure on why. Actually.. just kidding, yeah I do. I was wrestling with the Holy Spirit about this whole situation for quite awhile really. God was telling me to do something I really didn’t want to do, so I didn’t. Until last Friday. Well, I still didn’t want to, it just happened. Basically, I did this inner healing thing and coming out of that I realized I needed to share the thing that the Lord had been telling me to share but the thing is, I didn’t want to share it. But, I needed to share this thing if I wanted to go any deeper with my homie JC (Jesus Christ). And so I did it, the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. That night I sat on the stairs of our home over looking the beauty of the night life of Quito with two of my very best friends, Torrey and Taylor, and shared this thing. Literally the hardest thing I’ve had to do, not even playing homies. But Torrey and Taylor made it so easy. I have now told my squad leader and my whole team and y’all, I don’t think I have ever felt so loved in my life. The love that these people have showed me is straight up Christ love. And since sharing this thing, I have felt freedom. Real freedom, freedom in Christ. And it’s so rad. I have felt so much more in tune with the Holy Spirit and it’s so so good. These past few days have been days of healing. These past few days have been days of victories. These past few days have been days of creating everlasting friendships. These past few days have been days of growing closer to God. These past few days have been days of kicking Satan straight in the face. (“Haha suck it Satan and then I went to bed.” McKenzi and Kristin will get that.) But y’all, Jesus is so incredible. He’s my homie. Also, just some advice.. If anyone ever tells you to jump off a cliff into water because there’s a fire burning behind you, jump. You won’t regret it.

Peace out homies.
