Did you know?..

According to The Joshua Project. Asia as a whole has a population of 4,502,205,000. Out of this population 2,686,901,000 people are unreached. This means they have not heard of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. That is 59.7% unreached. 8.9% percent of Asia is professing Christian’s.

North America has a population of 507,189,000. Out of this population 12,896,000 people are unreached. Again this means they do not know Christ. This means percentage wise only 2.3% are unreached. But, 82.7% of North America is professing Christian’s.

According to Open Doors: World Watch List. Asia as a whole has the most persecution of Christians worldwide. Some places ranging from extreme persecution, to severe, to moderate persecution.

This is where I am. Right now I am on the continent of Asia. Specifically Malaysia where persecution is moderate. But where by law Muslim Malaysians cannot convert to Christianity or any other religion.

On Thursday night’s we go to PenHOP (Penang House of Prayer), for Thursday night encounter. PenHOP is full of people of all different ethnic backgrounds from all over the world. The majority are from SouthEast Asia.

Thursday night we heard from Andre Tan. Andre spoke that night on revival. He related revival to birth pains. Does the birth pain create the baby, or does the baby create the birth pain? Revival is like the baby. Revival itself is not painful, but the route there may be. The growning we have is because the revival is coming. No matter the obstacle, struggle, whatever the enemy may throw. We know the revival will come. Hope should be what possesses us.

So why am I telling you this?

As I sat in this prayer room in Penang, Malaysia, Asia. I saw people growning for revival, people that were possessed with hope.

More specifically they were interceding to see revival. Revival in the States, specifically in Los Angeles.

A good portion of theses people have never even been to the States, even less to Los Angeles. Andre talked about Azuza and the sings and wonders that took place there many years ago. That in memory thousands were going to gathering in the stadium to pray for that same revival to come once again.

So these people aligned their hearts with what was about to take place in the next couple days. Even though they were on the other side of the world. They came alongside brothers and sisters and they too prayed for revival.

I got a glimpse. A glimpse of what it will someday look to be united. There will be no difference in our tongue, skin color, or denomination. We will be united through the power of Jesus’ blood. And the crazy thing is we don’t have to wait.

What would happen if we choose to come alongside each other. As followers of Christ coming alongside our brothers and sisters and walked with each other. Running towards what God has called us to. To live in community with Him, and spread His good news.

According to the Joshua Project there is a worldwide total of 3,064,914,000 of unreached people. This number looks staggering, but like the boy in Pay It Forward. My brain starts turning, what would happen if I decided I was going to lead 3 people to Christ. And the three of them lead 3 more to Christ and so on and so on. What would happen if YOU decided to lead just 3 people to Christ?

God sends his servants. → His servants preach. → People hear. → Hearers believe. → Believers call. → Everyone who calls on the Lord is saved.

It is that simple we are God’s servants, we are called to preach, not all who hear will believe, but somebody will. But all who call on the Lord will be saved.