Terra Nova Orphanage, and the Closing of Chapter 19

Since the first week of May, until the 3rd week of June ( about 6 weeks) we were serving/ living at an amazing orphanage in Kazembe, Zambia. This Orphanage is called “Terra Nova” ran by an American couple, Tom and Amy Morrow. They have ran this orphanage for the past 13 years, taking in children two years of age and younger. There are a total of 32 amazing kiddos aging from 6 months old to almost 13 years old. All the children grew up at the orphanage, they are precious, chosen children of God! They know so much about Jesus, all the Bible stories, and they long to be acknowledged, they long to feel love!

My team and another team loved these kids and served the LORD, finishing out the race with the most amazing ministry one could ask for. I love these kids so so much!! They brought joy, peace, and love to my heart every time I saw them, every time I hugged them, every time I laughed and cried with them! I miss them, since we left yesterday! They’re truly the most loving, adorable, and intelligent kids, I have ever met! For more information about the ministry, the kids, the projects, the lives of Thomas and Amy, and to SPONSOR a Child! ( you definitely should if you’re able to! They’re the most amazing kids!!) visit their new website, https://www.terranovach.org      CHECK IT OUT!!!


I worked in the kitchen cooking for these kids, three nutritious meals a day, plus snack  twice a day. We played games everyday with the kids, showed them the love and care of Jesus Christ our Savior, and became a true sister to them! One of my most favorite times here, was every night I went into the older girl’s room and read them the children’s Bible, as they snuggled up close to me, then I’d tuck them in, put their mosquito nets down, and pray for them. These were the most precious times! The kids would help cook with us, we would teach them games and songs, do art with them, give them all the piggy back rides they desired ( that’s a lot!!) they wanted to spend all the time they could with us, so they’d join me when I’d work out everyday, we had spontaneous dance parties, and over all a fun time! These kids are precious children of God, that though their earthly parents died, or couldn’t afford to take care of them, the LORD Jesus has specifically chosen them, set them apart, and they all love Jesus, they all know the truth about Jesus! They’re world changers! I love them, and they will always have a special place in my heart! You can also send them letters ( I will be sending them letters!) It broke my heart to say goodbye to these kids!


The boys in front of their new boys house! ( the astronaut and his family, Will, Jim (the Astronaut) Poppy, and Joey.

The boys left to right, back row, Johnny, Elias, Chola, front row, Denny, Nathan, Henry, Peter, Ernest

Also for two weeks an astronaut and two of his children, and  his father-in-law, came to build the older boys a new boy’s house! Poppy (the father-in-law) his wife died a little less than a year ago, and they loved orphans, so they dedicated the house in her honor. This family sponsors the oldest boy, Elias ( almost 13 years old), and it was so cool to have them here and serve along side them for two weeks, you can tell how much they love Jesus, and radiate His love!


In India God spoke to me about being a “Mom to many” I thought this meant possibly as a mentor, or living at a place like an orphanage or hostal overseas, however God spoke to me in Kazembe and has given me a heart for adoption! I literally could seen and feel the longing all these kids had to be loved, wanted, and have undivided attention by a mom and dad, while their the LORD spoke to my heart and now I know, that I will be adopting kids one day! You see, I never had this desire in my life. But the LORD has broken my heart for what breaks His! There are millions of orphans in the world who need the love of Jesus Christ ( we all need to know this love that transcends all understanding and feelings) and their are 2 billion people that claim to be Christians. What would happen if we sought the LORD about these things, what would happen if we chose to care and prioritize the things that the LORD loves and cares deeply and unconditionally for? I’ll tell you what will happen,IT WOULD COMPLETELY CHANGE THE WORLD,   more than that, it would change that person’s life, who would also change the environment in which they live ( people and generations being changed and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ) .


These are the oldest boys of the orphanage! I love them so much!

from left to right (Ernest, Denny,Chola, Elias, Johnny, Henry, Peter, Nathan)


My girls! 🙂 ( left to right, Leah, Jennifer, Beauty)

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. (Psalm 82:3)

“ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” ( James 1:27)

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” ( Psalm 68:5)


 I’m teaching the kids on one Sunday morning, about the fruit of the Spirit, and what it means to love God and others:)


 Spontaneous dance party with the kids after dinner!


I go home on the 30th, what even is home? Not this world, but nevertheless I’m going back to WA, and I stepping off the airplane with bold  faith. You see I’m going home, I’m practically homeless at this point, car less, close to broke, I know I’m suppose to start “Greater Love Ministry” hopefully in partnership with my church in Graham. I’m called to pour into my family, my friends, I’m suppose to evangelize! Faith! Faith! Trust! Trust! The LORD has always, always been faithful to me and all people, He will never fail us, He will never fail me, not now, not ever! He asks me to have faith to trust Him, that’s exactly what I’m doing, I literally can’t do anything else. This life is not mine, it’s the LORD’S, and I ask and pray that in all ways the LORD Jesus would use me to advance His Gospel! I desire and strive to live an interruptible life, a one where at any moment I can see the opportunity and obey the LORD to what He wants me to say and do! I desire to have my life be solely lived and dedicated to Him, a vessel, a daughter ready to be used. If we could impact one person’s life with the Good News, if we could impact one person’s live with the love of Jesus, then my life is worth it! Everything is worth it! To know the truth of who Jesus is! And to share His truth to this world! A world full of voices, directions, promotions, a world full of noise, static noise, what we need to hear is truth, the truth of our existence, the truth of who God is, this truth is found only in Jesus.


Where’s the passion for the lost, the sick, the dying, the hurting, the sinners who are in need of repentance? Where is the urgency? We think that all we have is time, when in reality our life is but a drop of water, a breath, grass, our lives are but one small moment. So where’s our urgency? That if we died today and stood before the LORD, would we be able to say to HIm who knows all things, “ LORD I have nothing left, I have used everything you’ve given me, my time, my money, my energy, my voice, my possessions, I’ve given them all to you, I’ve given them to the needy.” It says in His Word that we will have to give an account before God for every deed, every word. My strive is to give it all away, to lose my life in order to find my life in Christ. To willingly give everything knowing that my security is in the One who created all things and took my sin upon Him on the cross!


“Philippians 3:7-11New International Version (NIV)

7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”

Keep on loving God with everything you are! Keep on loving People, the same way Jesus always will! See each person as the opportunity to reach out and serve Jesus!