I wish I knew an hour ago.

Before the beginning of time.

But here is where time stands still.

Hidden in the fragments of our mind.


You say you knew me before I became a thought.

You say that you knitted me together.

But, how can that be when we just met?

How can you know someone before time even has begun?


Be still…


“I am the beginning and the end”

“I was and am and am to come.”

“I am within your every thought.”

“I am who I say I am.”

and “…know that I am God” 


Be still…


A simple command, but a difficult task to do.

For what is being still?

Is it my mind?

Is it my body?

Is is my soul?

How I wish I knew.


Be still…


“As I was, I am with you”

“I will fight for you”

“For I am the way, the truth and the light”

“Be strong and courageous, have I not commanded?”

And “…know that I am God”


Be still…


Raise your hands, and the battle is yours

Submit and time stands still

Have faith and the seas will part

Bring every vase and it will be filled

Reach out and touch and you will be healed

Peace be still, and the waves cease

Trust and death will be conquered

Wait and new life will begin


Be still…