Hello once again everyone! This past month I have been absolutely blown away by the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father, I have received many significant donations as well as donations made my close friends and family. During this month I experienced doubt about Gods calling on my life for this trip, but through His faithfulness I have seen how good He is! He wouldn’t have called me to go serve across the world if there was no way to fund my way there. About 2 weeks ago I was at work (I work at Starbucks for those of you who don’t know), and I was telling my coworkers that I had just applied for another job in order to help gain funds for this trip. When I went out into the lobby to stock our retail section this guy stands up and says “Did I hear you say you were going on missions trip?” astonished I said “Yes!” and it was crazy the next thing he said was “thats so funny, Ive been praying and God has put it on my heart to give money to someone doing missions work. I know this isn’t a lot but I would like to give you the cash that I have in my wallet.” In that moment I was froze, speechless I graciously accepted his thoughtful gift and then broke out crying. I knew this was God saying, You are a beloved daughter of mine, and I am always going to be faithful even when you have your doubts. I have got you in the palm of my hand. Be still and trust that I will provide. He is so good and so faithful. I would not be doing this without all of the support from you guys! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! 


Love you all!