This is a very long overdue first post about my World Race journey but, here it goes! ( I am no blogger but for the next year or so I will be! SO BARE WITH ME! ) 

I have been official for over a month now. I can’t seem to get it together to just post my first blog and share my link. What’s my issue? I think reality is settling in and instead of moving faster, I am moving SLOWER! Help!


  •  I’m feeling a little behind. I have not got this ball going for supporters. I have started fundraising and that’s going great but I need to dedicate more time. 
  • I still have 6 months of being here in the United States. Which means I still need to work to pay for everyday things, have a social life with my family and friends, finishing my last year at school, and just simply preparing myself for all things World Race. Right now, getting all my equipment by October! 
  • Let me say that again. I have SIX MONTHS left.
    • Some people may wonder why am I being dramatic. Well yes, it’s “only” a year but I also hope afterwards I can go find a job or ministry to work for overseas. Teaching English. So to me this could be my last year living in America for a long time. God willing. We will come back to this after the World Race. 
  • I need to focus on graduating. One more summer course and 13 hrs left in the Fall and I am ready to get that degree in December. Woo! 

 This is a really exciting year/ last 6 months in the U.S but even more exciting year for 2017. So yes I got a lot going on ya’ll but I’m still saying yes in my mess because I know that the Lord has made me for this moment.  Before I even followed and accepted Christ I had a nudge to be overseas. It wasn’t just to travel but to do and see what I can possibly do for others outside my comfort zone. I am ready to embark this journey. I am ready to follow my dreams but ultimately honor my Father in Heaven and obey, go and share the Gospel, His story, His name. This is all part of His perfect timing and I’m just under His grace. 

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” – Acts20.24

Here are 10 questions that may be going in on your head about my journey and the World Race! (These are the same questions that my fellow squad mate posted on her blog. I thought it was great so I am sharing the same information)

1.   What is the World Race? 

The World Race is a mission program through the non-profit mission organization, Adventures in Missions. It is a mission and discipleship program that is designed to take groups of young adults and challenge them in their faith. It is meant to take the group to 11 countries in 11 months so that they can serve and help spread the Gospel while living in community and diving into their relationship with Christ.

2.  How did you hear about the World Race?  I first heard about the World Race when my church, Church Project called a young lady up to pray for her upcoming mission trip. As she explained the World Race, light bulbs went off in my head. I made sure to look into this thing she was doing. Ever since then I researched and prayed about going. As soon as I found out that I was graduating from college in December I decided to take a leap of faith and apply. Which I took forever to submit because I felt unworthy to go. I thought, Lord if you want me to go, Thy will be done. So I applied and a year and half ago it was just an idea watching from the audience! Now I’m preparing to go! So, Thank you Kelsie!!

3.  Where are you going? My route can change for any reason but for now this is my route. They are also in order of what we are hoping to be going on.

India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Botswana, Swaziland, and South Africa.

4.   What will you take/Where will you stay? I will travel with a hiking backpack and a normal daypack. ALL of my supplies for the 11 months will be in those two bags. I will take a minimal amount of clothes, my laptop, and enough toiletries for a couple of months. I will also have gear that includes a tent, a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, hammock, etc. When on the race we may stay with hosts of the ministries we are working with, hostels, in our tent, etc. It just depends on the country and ministry we are working with each month. I’m a girl. This is gonna be one of the hard parts. 

5.   When do you leave? I know my journey starts in January 2017. I don’t know exact dates until October. But it’s coming. In October, I will also be going on a 10 day training camp in Georgia to test out and mock some scenarios we might get into while we are on the race. I will also get to meet my squad! Which are the people I will be living in community for the next year! 

6.   Who will you go with? Right now, our route is the largest for the moment. I have about 77 people signed up for my route. We will be broken up to teams that consist of 6 people or so that we will live in community with. I have met one person that is right here in Houston! It’s very exciting and encouraging to have someone close by that is about to go with me! We also have a really awesome community through Facebook! We have been getting to know each other from all around. It’s kind of funny because it feels like online dating of some sort. ( not that I know what that really is. Haha) It’s been really fun getting to know people!

7.   What will you do? This will vary by day and by country. Some ministries we may serve include the following: teaching English, construction, working in orphanages, helping victims of human trafficking, teaching VBS, helping in schools, door-to-door ministry, prayer walks, visiting hospitals, etc. Our intent is to partner with ministries already working in each country and to join in on how God is working in any way we can. This is what’s really amazing. We get a chance to be the hands and feet or Jesus and be apart of His greater plan and share the Gospel. 

8.   You have to raise how much? The total cost of the trip is $17,017. This is covers the expenses for the 11 months, which include, travel, lodging, food, administration, and insurance. Anything before the WR like my flight out and back to home will be out of pocket, along with all my supplies and vaccinations. So honestly, I think it creeps closer to $20,000. 

9.   How can I help? I really need some prayer and ongoing encouragement. I can’t do this without the support of the people I love and care about. Through this very blog you can follow and stay updated on my entire journey of the World Race. I will try my best to update as much as I can until I leave and while I’m gone I would love to do ministry highlights for each country.

The Link is :

So please subscribe and share! 

You can also help me financially. So, would you consider supporting me? You can donate through this blog and click on the link at the top of the page. You can set up monthly donations through You can also write a check to Adventures in Missions and mail it to PO Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. Monthly donors will be really key to helping me get to my goal. Please keep me in your prayers. If you have some helping hands I would love to even have you help me with some of my fundraisers! 

10.  When do you have to have the money raised? Personally, I would really like to be fully funded before I leave. I will try my best to get there.

My deadlines are below:

$5,000 – Due 9/15/2016

$10,000 – Due 12/08/2016 

$13,000 – Due 2/20/2017 

                         $17,017 – Due 4/20/2017                                   

My next blog will be exact ways you can support me. That will be info about some fundraisers that are coming and wish lists and registries on items that I will be needing! Stay tuned that will be coming possibly within the week! 

Thank you for supporting me and praying for me!

 All Honor and Glory to Him,
