On the very same day we arrived in Romania we went to a gypsy church that is very lively and colorful. It is full of jazzy, joyful music and worship for the Lord. Everybody takes turns singing for one another before the message, including us. However, one thing that stood out to me was that there was a man who didn’t wear shoes.

This thought came and went from my mind because shoes are not very important to me. I love running around barefoot. But there was something different about this man. Especially because shoes in Europe are quite important. They take good care of their shoes here and think very highly of quality footwear, but maybe that wasn’t the same for this man, maybe he loved the feeling of the music through the souls of his feel, or maybe it made him feel more connected with the Lord. Whatever the reason, he wasn’t wearing shoes and I loved it. However, I didn’t fully understand until he told me his story.

The man who didn’t wear shoes used to have intense pain in his leg. The pain got worse and worse until finally he couldn’t walk. He couldn’t walk for 3 years. This man loves his church and loves to preach more than anything, and the people in his church would literally carry him to church so that he could preach. So he made a promise to the Lord; if He would heal him, he would never wear shoes while preaching again as a testament to God’s faithfulness.

There were many doctors and most of them told him he would never walk again. There was a specific surgery he needed and they didn’t perform it in Romania. The closest place he could go for the surgery was Italy for $10,000. Then God started the miracle.

There were doctors from the United States who donated equipment to a nearby hospital. These doctors didn’t even know of the man who didn’t wear shoes, but it just so happened everything needed for his surgery was donated by these doctors.

The chief of the hospital called the man who didn’t wear shoes and told him of this change of events, that they now had everything needed for the surgery. He told him they would order the rod for his leg and he should come right away for the surgery.

Well, he went to the hospital but the person the was delivering the rod got lost and couldn’t find the hospital. By the time he got there, it was too late to do the surgery. The doctor told him to go home and come back in 3 or 4 weeks because he was about to leave on vacation the next morning. The Lord had a different plan.

That night the doctor could not sleep. “Go and do the surgery, go and do the surgery.” He had no idea where this voice was coming from and was quite freaked out in fact. He ended up missing his plane and came to the man who didn’t wear shoes with anger. “Who are you?!” he asked, “What are you doing to me?!” The doctor had no idea what was happening, so the man who didn’t wear shoes explained. He told him that he was a Christian and he follows God. The doctor told him that he had heard about his God but didn’t believe in Him.

Because of this voice, the doctor agreed to do the surgery. The man who didn’t wear shoes asked how much the surgery would cost as he didn’t have much money to spare. The doctor told him he didn’t want any money, all he wanted was one bible. He realized how real Jesus is and how much he loves his children.

The doctor did the surgery and the man who didn’t wear shoes was healed. This was a miracle. So now he can stand without assistance, and he can preach. He kept his promise to the Lord, and that is why he doesn’t wear shoes while preaching. It is a sign of God’s faithfulness and love.

This mans name is Marios. You can be praying for him. Even though he can walk and stand and preach and can do all of this with no assistance at all, he still feels some pain. We are believing and trusting in God to finish what he has started and to heal him completely. We are also praising God for what he has already done.

Thank you for your time! That is all for now. Bless you!