There is something so sacred, so precious about stepping into the darkest places around the world and asking to see them through the eyes of the Father. My first encounter with bar ministry took place in month one (see blog “A Prostitute and 3 Strangers”). Month one is when my passion for this ministry began. Then, last month in the Philippines God gave me the opportunity to experience it again. Little did I know then that I would be doing bar ministry once again in month nine, Thailand.

Although I love it, it is a hard ministry. Spending time in such a dark place makes spiritual warfare more evident. Battling against the enemy is an intense battle but I’m thankful for an almighty God and the angels who fight the battle. But it’s important to have the awareness of the battle.

As I walk through the red light district in Thailand, I ask Jesus to take me to the place in His heart reserved for those streets and those people. This month, I have spent hours and hours walking the streets of the red light district in Chiang Mai praying, listening, and waiting to see what He is doing here before I go into the bars at night. It’s easy to see sin. It’s easy to hear the voice of hopelessness and the voice of lust. It takes more patience to hear the still, small voice of my Father and to hear the whispers of the moving of the Spirit.

Right now, there are over 27 million people in modern day slavery. That number is HUGE, unimaginably huge…so huge that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the issue of ‘human trafficking’ and miss the people who are affected. This month, statistics have received faces and documentaries have become real life.

As I sit outside of the bars, I feel Jesus, inviting me into deeper and deeper places in His heart. I look into His burning eyes and see jealous love for the people in these streets. Every girl, every ladyboy, every pimp, every john…He loves them and is fiercely pursuing their hearts. I hear the cry of His heart: “I hate what they do, but I love who they are. I long to be reconciled to them.”

There is something so sacred, so precious about stepping into these places that many people are intimidated to step into. Yes, there is hurt and pain in these streets. There is brokenness, but the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart (Psalm 34:18). He is here, in the streets of the red light district, and He longs to share this place in His heart with us.

The Lord is always speaking. Are we listening? Are we willing to go to hard and dark places to catch a glimpse of His heart? The ‘door to His heart’ is always open for us to step into. I challenge you…go to those hard and dark places. Maybe in your city, maybe around the world. Ask Him for His heart and His passion. Yes, there are painful things to see and witness, but there is such beauty in those places because He is there. When you feel Him drawing you, inviting you, out of your comfort zones and daily routine… go with Him. I promise it’s worth it.