First off, let me apologize for not posting within the last two weeks, finals, moving out of the dorms, etc. had gotten the best of me.. with that begin said, happy reading!

When i was in kindergarten and for all I know this is still practiced in elementary schools but the 100th day of school was a big deal. This “Huge Accomplishment” was celebrated by everyone bringing in a project that contained 100 items of a certain thing. Loving arts and crafts seemed like a instinctual habit for me so naturally I was very into making this 100 day celebration project. I remember going with my mother to the store picking out a white board, mini ziplock bags, and lots of beads. For my project, I collected 100 days worth of beads. For day 1, I had 1 bead and for day 75, I had 75 beads etc. I was extremely proud of putting together this bead board and was warmly welcomed by my teacher handing out 100th day hats and goofy glasses. This huge celebration was signifying that me have made it 100 days without our parents, learning whatever we were learning, and being held accountable for something for once in our lives.

You might be reading and thinking where the heck is she going with this… But I was informed that I only have 100 days left before I leave everything for a year. I have 100 days to get my supplies, have all the paperwork in order, help my parents move to Wyoming, and the most stressful… meet my financial trip goals. I have been overwhelmed by the gifts of people who want to support me while on this journey and by the t-shirt orders but I still find myself stressing about meeting deadlines. Why is 100 days seem so long and deserve celebration in elementary school but in adulthood 100 days seems like a week? At the end of this 100 day trek to my launch date, I hope that I will be more excited than at the 100th day school celebration. 

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God, My time is in your hands.” -Psalm 31:14-15