My decision to go on The World Race is a leap of faith for me, in more ways than one. It is a leap to leave my parents, my support system, and security at home. It is a leap to leave my friends, knowing our lives are headed in different directions…wondering if our paths will merge once again when I return home. It is a leap of faith to walk away from a job that I love and company that I have been with for 11 years, and to walk away from a church that has become part of my family.

But, in the months leading up to my departure, the Lord has showed me countless times that I am never on my own, that in fact, not only am I always walking in the light of His presence, but that I am truly blessed beyond measure by the people He has placed in my life….who have walked with me since the day I decided to go.

I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each person in my life who is a prayer warrior for me, helped me with a fundraiser, sent in a check (or multiple checks), and took this leap of faith with me. I am blessed beyond measure because of you, not only to be able to say that I am fully funded for The World Race (Praise God), but because through you I have seen the body of Christ at work fist hand. I have learned how to trust God and His goodness by your selflessness and by the sacrifices so many people have made to allow me to go on this journey. I have learned how to let people care for me, understanding this was never something I could have done on my own. My heart is SO full of joy at the story God is writing with my life and each character that has played a part in this story. My life is richer because of you.

Friends, family, acquaintances, and complete strangers….THANK YOU. Thank you for your donations, your time and energy, for each blog and post you’ve shared on Facebook, for each letter of encouragement, for each message asking what I need prayer for. Thank you for allowing God to use you in a way far beyond what our eyes can see. I pray that you too are blessed beyond measure for your faithfulness.

