Now that my first round of support letters has gone out and my second round will be sent any day I would like to update you on some exciting new opportunities!


1. Notes of Encouragement– As I mentioned in my support letter, prayers and encouragement will be greatly needed! One of my squad mates mentioned an idea she had about gathering little notes of encouragement to read throughout the trip and I LOVED the idea. If you have the time, I would love if you sent me written notes of encouragement, your favorite Bible verse, prayers for me and my squad, or pictures! I will treasure these greatly! 

(Send to: Allison Welgoss

6310 Pohick Station Drive

Fairfax Station, VA 22039)


2. MUGS! If you have felt led to donate monthly, I would like to send you a small thank you gift. I think that this is a great way to be remembered by and I would love if you sent up a little prayer for my squad and I every time you use it. If you would like to separately purchase a mug, please let me know.


3. Your own day on the WORLD RACE! A fellow squad mate came up with this wonderful idea. He found that each day on the World Race costs approximately $50. This covers travel, food, insurance, and many other little trip details. By donating $50 you will cover a whole day in the life of the World Race. You can choose any day(s) that are important to you or just pick randomly! Although I cannot fly you out to the field, know that by sponsoring a day you are helping to improve the lives of people across the world. Having your own day on the World Race means that we are agreeing to pray for each other especially on that day. Upon my next available WIFI access you will also get a thank you shout out on my blog and receive a detailed write-up and a picture of what was done on YOUR day. I am really excited about this fun opportunity!


4. T-SHIRTS! I will be selling t-shirts to help raise funds for $25 each. I will be posting pictures of them shortly but I think that they are really cool and so colorful!


5. Yard Sale– Over the summer, I will be having a yard sale. I have to majorly de-bulk before I leave and I would like to use this as an opportunity to raise money for my adventure. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate for me to sell, please let me know!


6. Wishlist– My REI Wishlist is still a work in progress as I am learning and researching about all the various items I will need! Here is my working wishlist! I am also in a search for a new to me computer as my 5+ year old Mac will not make it through the trip. If you or anyone you know is looking to sell a gently used computer, please let me know!


Thank you so much for choosing to partner with me for this journey! I so appreciate all of the support and prayers!


P.S. If you have not received a support letter but would like to please email me your address at [email protected]