After three days of travel from South America, we have arrived in India.

We had a layover in NYC so some of my squadmates and I decided to hit all the need to do/ see of New York in the 11 hours we were there. Check out the video here:

10 Hours in NYC from Zach Murphy on Vimeo.

That was fun and it was nice to be back on American soil even if it was only for a few hours.

Back to India.
First things first, jet lag is no fun. This month we will be in Bangalore, India, which is in the southern part of India.

This month we are working with a ministry by the name of Abhayam. Abhayam is a Christian rehab center where Indian men and women can come to find freedom from all types of addictions.Working with a ministry like this is close to my heart as I had and have family members who struggle with different types of addiction. you can check out there website here

After the first week, ministry has looked different for each member of the team. A few of us, including myself, have been helping out with the VBS games at our contact’s church. It has been a blast working with kids again and it helps that all the kids speak English, making it much easier than communicating in South America

The other members of the team have been doing ministry at the rehab center. It ranges from doing morning devotions with the members, working on work projects, helping clean the compound, playing card games and Indian billiard type games. We are just mainly living life with the people for the month. We eat with them, sleep in the same building, and do everything they do. The members here are from all walks of life and their stories span from a nurse who was addicted to prescription pain killers to a 70 year old alcoholic man who had to make a change after his daughter’s death.

I am excited to be here this month and cant wait to see what God has in store for me and us as a team. Shout out to Team Awaken.