So I know the last couple of blogs have been pretty heavy but I try to keep you up on what God is doing and sometimes it’s just heavy stuff. But then there’s those times where we know God is laughing either with us or at us, either one is fine with me.
This debrief we got to spend time together as a squad in Granada, Nicaragua and any time our squad gets together is fair game for ridiculous things to happen. Many things defined our debrief like great restaurants, a beautiful city, great worship, and our “Be another squad member” dance party, which just turned into most of the guys wearing womens dresses… hey what else should I have expected! But I will have to say what took the cake, or donut in this case, was our Cafe Fried K.
Now if you have been following me for awhile you might remember my past experience in Granada November 2010 and a thing called the Panqueque 5K where we ran and ate Pancakes every mile. Well I mentioned this to one of my squad mates and the idea seemed to catch fire. Not to be outdone however the stakes were raised. No more was it a mere pancake per mile, but this time a Honduran favorite of Donuts and Coffee. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that means finishing one donut and cup of coffee at 3 stations through the 5K race. Now if your saying to yourself “man I don’t think I could do this!” That’s the best part because no one really can. It levels the playing field a bit. I can’t say that I can hold in my food and do physical activity very well, but nevertheless I registered.
It turned out great and even though the size of the donuts and temperature of the lukewarm coffee almost caused me to throw in the towel and throw up something else, I persevered and finished. I wouldn’t say it was the best of my racing career but I didn’t come in last like last year’s Panqueque 5K. Maybe God has more competitive eating races in my future…maybe.
Just in case you were wondering Pat Stiller won with a time of a little over 21 minutes…pretty impressive huh? 
It’s little things like these that keep me sane and remind me that God really does want us to enjoy what we are given and not just move on to the next thing so quickly. Sometimes we need to take time and eat some donuts…ok we ALWAYS need to take time for donuts. It’s also nice because now when I tell people I am on the World Race and they ask “Oh is this some kind of Race?” I can just say “yes…why yes it is!” instead of entertaining a long conversation trying to explain why the World Race isn’t an actual race. 
This month has absolutely flown by and after taking a little time to rest up in Granada I’m back with the teams. My time as a squad leader seems like it is coming to an end sooner and sooner but I know it’s time to push in. We are heading to Thailand at the beginning of April for our fourth and final month on the field. I look back and all the work I’ve done just seems to be a blur but I know it’s effects will go so much further than just four months.
Please keep us in prayer as we are making a lot of decisions that will affect the squad for the rest of their year in the next week. I’m confident that God is going to take our squad even further once I get out of the way which is a humbling and exciting thought, but I still have a little over a month to do some damage!!!
Thanks again for you support as you continue to follow what God is up to in my life!