Life has been crazy and when I say crazy I mean CRAZY. You know you are ridiculously busy when you have to schedule a phone conversation in your planner. Next thing you know, I will be planning out when I can pee. That’s a joke.

What have I been doing since I moved to Georgia?


The question is, what haven’t I been doing? This is what my weeks look like here in Gainesville, Georgia:

Monday– Work at 9:00 am where we have about an hour long worship/message time. After that I go to my apprentice time with the other apprentices. Lunch from 12:00 AM-1:00 PM. After lunch I head up to admissions from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM where I work with the Ambassador Trips. What is an Ambassador Trip? – “Join 7-12 other high-school students (ages 14 – 18) for a mission trip to some of the most exotic places on earth. Trips vary from two week to a month. Whether it’s hugging orphans in Uganda, a prayer walk in a Guatemalan volcano, or earthquake relief in Haiti, it will be an adventure you will never forget.”  I attend The Gathering: at 7:00 PM where we fellowship and worship together. 

Tuesday– Work at 9:00 AM where I work in Kingdom Dreams. This is Kingdom Dreams: 

Right now we are working hard to plan Project Searchlight for World Racers in July (We are doing four Project Searchlight events from July-September…YIKES!. This is Project Searchlight:

Lunch from 12:00 AM to 1:00 PM and then up to Admissions again until 5:00 PM. After work all the apprentices head to Bill and Katie Swan’s house to have apprentice dinner and fellowship time.

Wednesday and Thursday look a lot like Tuesday…how boring, huh!? I think I need to work in a third department…  Wednesday night we have community house dinner and family time at 7:00 PM.  This is a time for our house to be in intentional community with one another.  We discuss how we are and how we can be praying for one another as well as well just spending time getting to know each other.
Friday– I work in Kingdom Dreams from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and then after lunch we have apprentice time until 5:00 PM. Apprentice time consists of discussion over different passages in the bible, as well as a book that we are reading at the time. Right now we are reading “Culture of Honor” by Danny Silk. SO GOOD!


My weekends look a lot like this:

Kayaking. Sleeping. Kayaking. Bonfires. Hanging out. Kayaking. Watching Movies. Laughing. Sleeping.

So life has been BUSY but its been good, real good. Also, I am currently being discipled and living in a community house with five other girls. Yay!


How can you help a sister out?

Obviously I need lots of prayer; I mean lots. I have been really attacked in my sleep since I’ve been in Georgia. I can sleep ten hours a night and wake up feeling like I only slept two hours. I’m going to be vulnerable for a minute-I have also been dealing with hardcore feelings of inadequacy so if you could pray against that then that would be rad!  I raise support for a living so you can come along side me and pray that God would provide for me financially. I still need over $7,000 for my apprenticeship. If you feel compelled to give then you can send a check payable to (make sure to specify that it is for Alison Franklin):


Adventures in Missions

6000 Wellspring Trail

Gainesville, GA 30506


I also LOVE encouraging letters! If you get a word from God for me then bring it on (love letters are good too…tehehe. just kidding)! My address is:


5743 Bogus Rd.

Gainesville, GA


Thank you for all your support! I love you sweet family and friends!

-Alison Hope