Gun (Goon), Kae (Gay), Glon, and Wan, are the four young women who have left the night life to work for Sharon and Mark, and are wonderful to be with. They took us to a a beautiful little beach for our day off yesterday, before driving us around some of the island of Phuket, to some viewpoints, and then another beach. The first beach, Paradise, was exactly that. It was small, very private, with small waves, and I felt like I was in the middle of a movie set. Unbelievable. The second beach we visited had much bigger waves, and Leah tried to teach me to body surf for quite some time. I love the waves and though I haven’t mastered the body surf thing yet, I have realized that I have become much more comfortable in the water than I was at the beginning of the trip. I have never swam well, but am much better now, and more confident, which makes all the difference in the world.

Most Saturdays will likely be spent at the beach with the four girls, which is fine with me! Beaches are my favorite idea for a day off, and the girls are great fun to hang out with. They are all between 22 and 25 years old, our peers and all speak English amazingly. They have already quickly become likely family after only one week, so after three, it will sad to leave.

We spend all day, 8am to 5pm with them, since they work where we live, and we work with them. They often do our evening activities with us as well, except for going to the bars. Pray for the four of them, as they are all new followers of Jesus, and are learning everyday. They are hungry for truth, and look to us for wisdom. This is the kind of discipleship I believe is the most effective – living with them all day everyday, and allowing daily conversations to flow into deeper ones.