This doesn’t relate directly to the World Race, but really it does, because this is God preparing me for what lies ahead.

I’ve been reading
The Art of Being, by Constance Rhodes, the founder of Finding Balance. I’m now interning at Finding Balance, so she gave me this book to read. It has different stories of different Christians, mostly (if not all) are Christian musicians. I was reading the story that Sara Groves wrote, and she talked about asking God how much He loves you, right now. Just asking Him. So I thought, ok, I’ll ask Him. So I closed my eyes and asked Him. I got an image of the cross. I was like, wow, yes that is a lot. I went about reading other stories and was touched by each one in different ways. I especially related to Jill Phillips and her desire for stability and the common bond we share in disliking change. I put the book down and checked my grades, to see if they had been posted yet. I have taken Statistics in Psychology twice now, and both times have gotten a D. This second time I was 4 points from a C and just absolutely fed up. I prayed a lot about it and felt a peace about it, but I thought I would have to take it-AGAIN so that I could graduate (this is my last class). My grade had a C on it, instead of the D I deserved. My professor, who is not the warmest person in the world, gave me the four points. She gave me something that I didn’t deserve. God tried answering my question again, in a way I would understand.

Alissa, I love you enough to give you beautiful things you don’t deserve. Freedom. Love. Peace. Joy. Experiences. This grade, so you can graduate. And so much more. In case you didn’t hear Me, let Me say it again, I love you.

I remained speechless.

So I guess all I can really say about that is, ask God how much He loves you. Right now. He really will amaze you.