It is October 1st and we had a deadline of $11,000 due to continue as part of the race. I was $2,000 behind almost since launch. I had only had $750 since the last deadline and I had tried many things to get people to sponsor me, all to no avail.


I knew it would be harder while on the race, but I did not know how much harder it would be. In preparation for this reality I had set a few scenarios in my mind to protect me from going insane during the process. I prepared to watch those people in my life who I thought would support me financially, not. I also prepared myself to face the music and go home. But regardless what I knew or felt, I was confident that God would supply my need according to HIS riches in glory because His Word said He would.


Coming to Africa has been the dream of my life. I had imagined and hoped to get the chance for 22 years of my life. I was 10 years old when my heart began to burn for helping the orphans in this amazing continent. Then I got serious about praying about and for Africa, 11 years ago. I prayed that God would bring me here and that my very presence would bring about a healing for wherever He would send me.


As of September 27th, I am finally here!


Upon arriving to the South Africa air space, the waterworks began. I could not contain my emotions. God had finally approved and brought me here. The anticipation of this moment brought about a giddiness that I can only relate to opening the big Christmas present that you have always wanted times 1 million. Although in the back of my mind was the thought that I would get sent home because I lacked the funds to continue on my race.


During one of our worship nights as a squad while on house arrest in Johannesburg, my squad prayed for those of us that had not reached our goal. We stood and agreed that God had something amazing for us as a group and that if He brought us here, that He would provide for us to walk it out.


We left Johannesburg and 17 hours later arrived in Belleville, where our ministry is located for the month. We met our contacts and got hugs… SO for me that was already a WIN! Then they said the magic words, we are getting breakfast before we head home. YES!!!


We stopped at a place that was a local nook but resembled American TGIF restaurants and ordered the most delicious breakfast eggs, ham, fries, toast and a tomato. While we waited I was reminded about a conversation I had with a girl from the bus about WIFI. She said that usually the first 30 minutes are free at most WIFI Hotspots. So I checked and VOILA! It was the first time I had internet service in almost a week. After posting on FB that we had arrived to Belleville, I went to check my AIM World Race account…


I saw it… THERE IT WAS!!!!


I had reached my goal on the very day that it was due. God had provided and He had used one of the most incredible people in my life to do it.


NOT only did I completely interrupt everyone’s conversation at the table, but I burst into tears. “Y’ALL I MET THE DEADLINE… I GET TO STAY”. We celebrated the way God worked it out right before our yummy food arrived.


Now I am ready to get started. I am ready to see what else God has in store because I know that He wants me here and He has worked out all the things that I will need.