My squad mentor, Erika, gave us each 7 minutes to write a psalm (as in our own version from the book of Psalms). One was to be about what these past 8 months has been for us, and one to be about what we think we will say once we’re finished running this Race and arrive back home. I thought I would share mine, as maybe they’ll speak to you as much as they unexpectedly spoke to me. Enjoy.


The Psalm of a Month 8 Racer

Oh Lord, how dissatisfied you are with almost all.

How displeased you are with halfway.

You’ve tested and tried me, my should as come to expect surprises.

On my own strength, I could not rely.

Little faith has become a thing of the past,

yet full dependence still seems like a thing of the future.

Give rest to my soul, Oh God, for I am weak.

Let me receive your peace,

this elusive peace that I cannot comprehend.

It is only in you that I can find true joy, and through all the struggles,

that is what I’ll count it all as.

Joy will be my prayer.



An Expectant Psalm


Oh Lord, truly you are my sustainer.

On my own strength, I dared not rely.

Though tests and trials were evident and abundant,

You led me with grace and sufficiency.

Never overburdened, I learned what full dependence on You was.

Your plan was always better than mine,

And I know it always will be.

You, God, are so beautifully good.

I’m thankful for it all.