The struggle with my post-graduation plans are not that I am at a loss of what I’d like to do, but rather I am drowning in all of the passions I would love to pursue. I am a lover of SO MANY THINGS! As a student of 16+ years, I have waited for the day when homework was no more, classes were replaced with a career, & I had a life outside of the library. Well, I am here! I am graduating from UW-Madison with a B.S. in Sociology! I will earn my diploma May 17th & my time as a student will have passed. A road of uncertainty & opportunity stands before me, and I couldn’t be more elated. My years as a Badger have been a gift and the memories are endless, but I know God has precious adventures awaiting me across the commencement stage.

With the sobering reality that graduation was quickly approaching, I began exploring where to best utilize my education, passions, & skills post-graduation for the past 6 months or so. Weeks became months of uncertainty, until early February rolled around & I had coffee with a dear friend on campus, Joy. Joy shared with me that she had considered doing missions through an organization called Adventures in Missions, an interdenominational Christian organization committed to serving poverty ridden communities world wide, while also encouraging spiritual growth & discipleship. I felt a spark of excitement deep in my heart that I had yet to feel when thinking about potential future opportunities, & this anticipation wouldn’t leave my side. Soon enough, I had submitted an application, trusting God would open or close this door through the admittance process.

A little over a month later, I had been accepted to the World Race Gap Year. Gap Year sends teams of college age student’s into the missions field world-wide for 9 months at a time. I will have the privilege of serving deeply impoverished communities, building relationships, sharing the gospel, & growing in my own faith in Central America, Southeast Asia, & Africa, each for three months at a time. My calling into the world has been oh-so-clear, & my desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus has grown exponentially since coffee with Joy only a couple months back.

I would be privileged if you would partner with me in prayer on my endeavor, as I will be leaving the comforts of home behind for a tent, one lone backpack, & a world in desperate physical and spiritual need. I would also love for you to consider financially partnering with me on this journey. The cost of the trip is $12,487.50, which covers training, travel, lodging, and food expenses during the nine months in the field. I am trusting that God will provide the monetary resources needed for me to leave the U.S. this September fully funded. Should you choose to partner with me, please see the “Support Ali’s Ministry!” tab on the left. If only 10 people pledge to give $100 dollars a month for the next five months, almost half of my ministry will be funded! Any contribution made, in the form of prayers and/or finances, I am eternally grateful for.

God’s kingdom is built through his people GOING to the nations. A team of college students and I are willing and ready to yield to this calling! But His kingdom is equally dependent on SENDERS, excited to use the resources God has so graciously gifted us with to bring hope to the darkest & farthest corners of the earth.

Would you consider joining me on my adventure into the unknown for the sake of the Only One worth knowing?