By the grace of God & generous gifts from so many of YOU, we have raised FIVE TIMES our goal for Chosen, amounting to over $800 USD. I won’t say I’m surprised or shocked. I’m not. Because I serve a God that provides “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” I have been blessed with a community that lavishes me with gifts & blessings so abundantly. I am not in disbelief. In fact, I’m full of even greater belief in My God because of the faithfulness His people have proven to me time & time again since the beginning of my World Race journey. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.  The additional funds raised will be overseen by YWAM-Ratchaburi & allocated to her for future educational and medical needs.  We might even be able to buy her another little dress or two 😉

We are able to begin the process of setting a date for the witnesses to gather at the district office & vouch for Chosen. Please pray we find a date with ease. We are only a couple steps away from a lifetime of a difference for a very special little girl. I will do my best to keep my blog updated with the latest developments in Chosen’s eventual CITIZENSHIP (scream!!!). Words can’t express the love I have for each of you.