Crap. Honestly, where do I even begin with you guys??

You changed the game for me. Getting to be a part of the body of Christ is always encouraging and uplifting, but to get to help cultivate a space before it was even there was something beautiful in itself. I will never forget the first day of training camp- the morning before you all arrived. Our leadership team sat outside on the back deck at Adventures. We all encircled an 8×11 sheet of paper and asked the Lord what He wanted our squad to look like… what He wanted to cultivate in that space. People of awe and wonder. Men and women who respect and honor each other. A united family that chooses to sit at the table together. Worshippers and warriors. A people that knows who they are, the authority that they’ve been given, how to steward it and walk that out every day. Staring at that sheet of paper and watching the words added filled me with so much anticipation and excitement. I simply couldn’t wait to meet you. Actually, I was so excited I had a stomach ache for basically the entirety of my birthday. The Father put the bar so high and you all are chasing that bar and exceeding it every single day. Watching you all flourish and thrive these past three months was an absolute JOY. I remember listening to you all speak about the Father and what you were learning the first couple weeks in and marveling over where you were at. You not only said yes, but you have dived right into the river with everything you have. Thanks God that this is JUST the beginning! You have so many more travel days, countries to visit, cultures to experience and coffee shops to try. Then, you have the rest of your LIVES. What a gift.

Doing life without you all is challenging, but worth it knowing that you are all killing it for the kingdom. I know you dont have wifi and you won’t see this for a while, but the rest of the world needs to know the WORLD CHANGERS that are currently stepping up. I feel the most blessed to be given a front row seat and watch it all happen. I have never felt more seen, loved and encouraged by a group of people. You ROCK.


You each taught me something different about our Lord and Savior and about the kingdom of Heaven. Wanna know what some of those things were?


Team 3.2: You show what it looks like to press into ministry and give your whole-hearted selves to everything you do. You are women of empathy. You choose each other regardless of circumstance or occasion. You love deeply and show the Father through the way you choose people. Keep living FULL and pouring out of that overflow.


Team Capable: You guys taught me what it looks like to have FUN. I have no clue what you did during team time but man I could hear it from the room next door. 🙂 You are women of creativity, life and wisdom. Women of authority- I can’t wait to see how the Father keeps growing this in you.


Team Ekklesia: My girlssss. You created an environment where it was so easy to lead from identity and not a position. You are women of honor and passion and your hearts are so willing and open for transformation. WONDER. Hold your disciples and keep each other accountable.


Team Esther: You all taught me about  balance. What it looks like to spend time as a family, how to fight for one another and choose what’s better, not what’s easier. You are women of intentionality- women who really see people. Keep choosing each other every day.


Team P31: You guys are crazy. You are a comfortable place that reflects the Father so deeply through your unique personalities and the energy and life you bring to every situation. Women of joy, creativity and depth. Go deeper than you ever thought possible.


Team Unity: Women of peace and abundance. You are persistent, fierce and full of the Fathers creativity, tenacity and gentleness. Keep finding the Father in everything you do and let that radiate through the way you live.


Men of God: You taught me about generosity and how to love people by leading by example. You all have the heart of the Father inside of you- keep seeking His heart and giving it all to Him every day. Leaders. Men of gentle boldness.


The BEST leadership team: I’m not crying, you’re crying. You showed me what it looked like to choose into people and create SUCH a safe space. You are some of my bestest friends in the whole world and I plan to keep it that way. You love deep. You say the hard things and do everything from a place of intentionality and obedience. Can’t imagine leading without you.


Watching you grow has been an honor. I get weepy just thinking about it. Glory to glory, my sweet friends. Miss you tons but I’ll see you soon. Until then, keep making it about the Lord every day. Keep trying new things and giving your yes to every day. Keep relying on the Father and letting Him be the source of your strength. Zealous faith. Choose unity, patience and kindness. Keep outdoing one another in showing honor.

 I’m fighting for you.


With grace, sending all my love to Ethiopia.

Lexi B.