Wow. The holiday season came real quick. Work has been so busy and it’s actually been a good thing. It’s allowed me to come home tired and to get some much needed rest. If you know me, you know I’m a night owl and that sleeping “early” is just something my body doesn’t do. 

About almost a week and a half ago, I had announced another fundraiser via social media. I am selling t-shirts and sweatshirts that either say, “disciple.” or “HEAVEN-BOUND.” It was so fun to create these with Holy Spirit and Fund the Nations.

Fundraising is much harder than it seems to be, but it allows my spiritual eyes and ears to activate that much more. I don’t know where the money will come from or how it will get here, but I do trust and believe and have the confidence that the Lord has set me in this season for such a time as this – to live by faith and declare He WILL provide again. 

God is not a one-way relationship. A relationship consists of two people. God can do everything, but He chooses to include us in the process, so we need to do our part as well, even if it’s uncomfortable. There have been many instances where I have had to sit and ask in my uncomfortability to fully grasp the graciousness and blessing from the Lord through people. We all know it’s not easy being uncomfortable, but what if your uncomfortability is actually a seed for others to water to give Him the space to grow more of His character into you? Obedience is produced. When you are obedient to the Lord, when you say yes to Him, you are worshipping Him. You show Him you love Him. Your faith is demonstrated. Obedience is better than sacrifice. 

I am in awe of how He’s been working lately, though. I love getting Spirit sprinkles (as my dad likes to say). It can be at totally random times, but to me, those “totally random” times are the times where I need it most. I can’t even begin to explain the amount of gratitude I have in this season. The Lord is leading me and stretching me in ways He hasn’t before. 

I am so honored to say that one of those areas where God is leading me in is co-leading with my dad as missionary pastors at our home church! We haven’t gone out on mission yet, but talking about it and planning it has been a really cool experience so far. There’s still a lot more we need to do, but we know that where God guides, He provides.

It’s so so so crazy to say and know that I will be leaving in just 35 days. I had just purchased my plane ticket to Georgia last night for training camp. We had out on the mission field after that. 

As I sit here listening to the song Yes and Amen by Housefires, I am reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness. The lyrics are so simple, yet so powerful. 

Here are a few:

“All Your promises are yes and amen. Faithful, You are. Faithful, forever You will be.”

“Blessed Redeemer. You have set this captive free. Lord, I can’t help but sing.” 

“I will rest in Your promises. My confidence is Your faithfulness.”

“What a faithful God You are. We say thank you. Oh, I’m not losing hope cause I know that God is faithful. Do you know that Your God is faithful? Oh, I’m not losing hope. I’m not giving up.” 

What an encouragement to my soul that I can just sing and rest in HIS promises, that He is faithful. 

Thank you for reading. I pray this encourages you as well. It’s truly been an honor to share these updates with you guys. I appreciate all of the love, support, and prayers. 

Esther 4:14, “perhaps you were born for such a time as this.”

Lamentations 3:23, “Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.”

Psalm 57:10, “for Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.”