Family, friends, strangers….whoever you may be, WELCOME TO MY FIRST WORLD RACE BLOG!!!!! Saying that I am writing a blog post for the World Race is pretty surreal. Going on the World Race has been a prayer of mine for over 2 years and to now say that I am officially going still seems like a dream. 

There are very few people in my life that know the big “WHY?” for my reasoning to leave my comfortable, American life and go spread the Gospel in 11 countries in 11 months while living out of a backpack. I am looking forward to sharing with you all more about why I am going in the days and months to come. 

Most people may think I have lost my mind to go and do something like this…..and I am here to genuinely say that I have lost my mind. I have completely let go and lost every ounce of sanity that I once had…but in the best way possible. 

You see, ever since I have truly come to know the heart of Jesus and what His heart beats for my entire life has drastically changed. My desires are no longer mine; they are slowly, but surely becoming Jesus’ desires. Never…literally, never in my entire life would I have thought that leaving America and living out of a backpack to share the Gospel with the lost would be something that I would ever want to do. But God has a funny way of changing the desires of our hearts the more our human hearts learn to beat like His.. And that is exactly what Jesus has done in my heart and is still teaching me to do every single day. 

I can’t wait to share with you all about why God called me to go on the World Race. It’s the craziest, most beautiful story of what God did to get my attention to the plans only He could orchestrate to happen in my life. Let me tell y’all this: the provision of God is ridiculous. The more I think about how I have gotten to where I am in my life right now absolutely blows my mind because I realize God has so perfectly planned out every single detail of my journey with Jesus…and this journey is so far from over. This world is hungry for more of Jesus and I am so humbled to be a small part of the plans God has to make His name known among the nations. 

I have no idea what this journey will look like. I know there will be days I will be tired of sleeping in my tent and crave nothing else than my big, comfy bed at home. I know there will be days when eating rice and beans for every meal will drive me crazy and all I will want is my mom’s southern home-cookin’. I know there will be days I will most likely get sick from living in a different culture with different food and hygiene…but I also know there will be days filled with so much joy from giving every ounce of my heart to love the least of these. I know there will be days I will see physical healing. I know there will be days I will dance and love on so many little orphans that my heart will want to explode (and I will want to put all of the orphans in my backpack and carry them away with me). I know there will be days when I will truly experience what God describes as living life in community with other believers. 

No matter if I am sleeping on a cot in Nepal….or on the floor in a straw hut in Rwanda…I couldn’t ask for anything else in my life because the Author of my story has me exactly where He wants me to be. And where He wants me, is the only place I ever want to be. 


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