I am happy to be back from WR Training camp. Thank you to all of you who made it possible for me to go and see what God has in store for me in the near future. Training Camp was a key component for my 11 month mission trip. Throughout my time in Georgia God has introduced me to new brother’s and sister’s in Christ. He has also shown me the value of Community and identity.

Firstly, I realized that I am guilty of comparing and competing. I never realized that I subconsciously do this. I did this because I thought it would help me be successful in life which is the farthest thing from success in God’s eyes. Training camp opened my eyes to see that comparing and competing is extrememly destructive and does not please God. This is also very sinful, and in general is something that I don’t want to do anymore. In doing this I was trying to obtain more of God’s love and forgot how God see’s me. I forgot how vast His love is, it’s the core of His Being. At this point in time I am asking for your forgiveness in comparing myself to you. Would you please forgive me of competing with you?


Secondly, if you find yourself doing this or if it’s true for you than I would like to take this time to tell you and let you know that there is a Father in Heaven who is madly in love with you. He created you for a purpose and has big plans for your life. If you don’t know who Jesus is I am praying that He would open your heart to see how wonderful He is and that you know without a doubt how much he loves you.

If you know who Jesus is than be reassured these things are true for you:

You are God’s child

You are a friend of God

You have been justified

You are accepted and united with the Lord, and one with him in spirit.

You have been bought with a price and belong to God.

You are a member of the body of Christ

You have been chosen and adopted by God.

You have been redeemed and forgiven of all sins. Past, present and future.

You are complete in Christ

You have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ

Colossians 1-2

Hebrews 4


1 Corinthians 6&12

Romans 5

John 15


All of these statements are adapted from Neil Anderson’s Victory over the darkness.

To sum up, the main takeaway I got from my expereince at Training Camp was finding out more of who I am in Christ. If you are reading this know that you are completly loved by God and he doesn’t love you more or less by what you do. He just loves you and has a great plan for your life. If you are currently comparing yourself with someone else please stop because He made you unique and special. There is no one like you. You are made by Him and for Him.