Wow, hello friends!!! Ten months being home in the States and life is flying by. Man, let me just start off this blog by saying GOD IS SO GOOD. Coming home from my 11 month World Race journey has had its fair share of highs and lows, but I’ve experienced a new level of intimacy and depth in my relationship with the Father since coming home and I just need to tell y’all that God is most definitely good. 

Life in Nashville……whoa baby.

Where do I even begin?

Jesus is setting this city on FIRE. In February, the Church in Nashville came together for Awaken Nashville. Over 400+ churches rallied together under One name to pray and fast for revival. We prayed and fasted for every single person in our city by name to experience the love of the Father during the month of February. 

Did you catch that? 

Every. Single. Person. In. Our. City. Was. Prayed. For. By. Name. 

Revival…’s happening y’all. And what an honor it’s been to see it happening right before my very eyes. To read more about Awaken Nashville, click HERE

During the month of Awaken Nashville, Pastor Moises (or “Moses” as we like to call him) came and spent a few days with my family. Only Jesus can make cool stuff like this happen. My parents and I met Pastor Moses in Rwanda last year when all of the parents came to visit on the World Race. We spent a week working alongside Pastor Moses and his family in the work that they are doing in Rwanda, and we fell in love with Pastor Moses. 

I would have never in a million years thought that exactly 1 year later Pastor Moses would be staying at my home in Tennessee. Only Jesus. 

Sitting around the table and listening to Pastor Moses share about what God is doing in Rwanda was eye-opening (once again) and lit my soul on fire once more. I could write a novel about Pastor Moses, and it was such an honor to have him stay in our home.  

Malawi. Most people have never heard of Malawi, but it’s a small country in southeastern Africa. Malawi is better known as “The Warm Heart of Africa”. 

And guess what? 

I’m going!!!!!!!

In about 8 days I am getting to go with the Lipscomb Women’s Basketball Team to serve for 12 days in Malawi. Once again, this is only happening because of Jesus. We are getting to serve alongside an amazing organization there and y’all….I CANNOT WAIT. 

I remember being in Bolivia and Peru last year and praying about what my life would look like back in Nashville. I was basically just day-dreaming with the Lord. And one of the things that God had put on my heart was to somehow be involved with the women’s basketball team when I was back….and God was surely faithful to fulfill this prayer. I’m at a loss for words at what more to say about this opportunity except that God is good. 

If you made it this far…thank you. Thank you for reading just a tiny speck of the miraculous that God is doing in Nashville and in my heart.

I want to ask that y’all would be praying for us as we go to Malawi. Please be praying that God would be fully revealed to us and to the people there. That we would join hands with the global church and experience what God is already doing in Malawi and encourage those who live there. Please pray for no sickness and no fears in Jesus Name.

Thanks for reading a quick little update on life lately. If anyone ever wants to grab coffee, you know where to find me! And if you have anything I can pray for you, please don’t hesitate to message me 🙂 

“Faith isn’t an equation or a formula or a business deal that gets you what you want. In short, there’s nothing on the other side of the equals sign, just Jesus.” -Bob Goff