WHAT’S UP Y’ALL!!!!!! 

My name is Alexandra Banks (you can call me Alex…or Banks…or Al…or Felix…or whatever floats your boat). I am currently a graduate student at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. I am finishing up my final season of playing college basketball at Lipscomb as a 5th year senior while getting my Masters in Non-profit Management. I’m a southerner, born & raised. As much as I love the South with my whole heart….all of that is about to change come August as I begin to travel the world spreading the love of Jesus with my squad! I CANNOT WAIT. 

A few other fun facts about me: 

  • I love any and everything outside: frisbee, spike ball, hiking, sports, sunsets, s’mores…I love it ALL! 
  • I’ve hiked two 14,000 ft mountains in Colorado 

  • Hiking (and conquering) Half Dome is on my bucket list…….as well as visiting Patagonia, Argentina 
  • I have 2 wonderful parents, 1 brother, 2 sisters, and the cutest dog in the whole world 

  • Top 4 favorite movies: Remember the Titans, The Guardian, HOT ROD!!!!!!, and The Holiday 
  • Top 4 Favorite Books: Redeeming Love, Love Does, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years, and Kisses From Katie
  • Coffee might be my soulmate 
  • Doing mission work overseas was never my idea. But somehow God chose to send me to Haiti, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic to serve over the past 4 years. And this coming August…He is calling me serve in 11 more countries all for HIS glory. 

**Click “subscribe” under my name if you want to stay updated on my World Race journey!