Preface: This is my first blog post EVER. I don't know how many times I sat down at the computer over the past two months to write my introductory blog post then found some excuse to put it off until later.
As my close friends know, I have never been the one to wear my heart on my sleeve or enjoyed being in the spotlight. Not for any particular reason; I would just rather be the one helping others, giving them suport or advice. But as I've learned over the years, true, authentic friendship requires a give and take of insight into each other's thoughts. Therefore in order for you, (the reader) and I to be friends we must start somewhere.
So let's get personal.
I grew up in Rowlett, Texas and attended Lake Pointe Church my whole life. Coming from a strong Christian family I was introduced to God at a very young age. I (happily) attended every Vacation Bible Study, church camp, and since my mom was my Sunday school teacher and AWANAS leader, missing a church event was not an option. As I continued into middle school and high school, I became more involved with the fantastic youth program at our church and intrigued by the multiple mission trips they do each year. By the time I graduated high school I had the opportunity to go to Mexico, Ghana and South Africa. Each experience was amazing and unique in thier own ways and really opened my eyes to the world that is outside of Rockwall, TX. As I was about to embark on my new journey to the greatest university (haha kidding..) University of Texas at Austin, my life was perfect. I had so many friends! Didn't have to study hard in high school to make A's! Hardships? Temptations? What are these things?
Welcome to college. God's biggest test (yet) in my life. He showed me that stepping off His path would result in consequences – a concept that was very hard for me to swallow. I, like many young Christians, then began to question God's love for me, and my faith in Him. Why would a loving God do this to me…if He truly loved me, He wouldn't allow this much suffering in my life…welp, guess He doesn't love me anymore. Right?
Wrong. It was a long journey but eventually I began to mature (both in my faith.. and just.. well, in life) and I realized God was not simply my best bud; only there to make me happy but never to judge or punish me when I made Him unhappy. He is my father, I need to not only love him, but also fear Him. He punishes not despite of, but because of His love. If you saw someone you love, living a selfish life, concerned with the materialistc world instead of the spiritual, wouldn't you be just a tad bit angry at them? Yeah.. His thinking too.
So here I am today! Graduated with an awesome internship (thank ya Jesus) for the Fall, then I set off for this World Race business in January! I'm still not a perfect saint, but I'm workin' on it and I know this mission is what God has been preparing me for my whole life. He has equipped me with a large dose of genuine love and care for the well being of others and an affinity to adventure, being outside, and new cultures. So without a doubt or fear in my heart, I will be traveling the world with an amazing group of people, answering His call, doing whatever is needed of me, All. For. Him.