We bade farewell to the beautiful continent of Africa, and Team Oasis is currently residing in the wonderful land of India. I’m already obsessed.
It was hard to leave Cape Town and THIS beautiful scenery,


and it was even harder to leave our Cape Town crew…


However, I am currently living on THIS street…


I sleep rooftop in my tent…


Can you spy my humble orange abode?

and I get to wake up to see THIS every morning.


In less than 2 hours after arriving to our sweet Indian village, we were invited to an Indian wedding, and we are going to another one next week.



Just yesterday, we were preaching in a village when some sweet women INSISTED that Rachel and I try on their sarees.




Yep. We are in cultural immersion heaven.


Team Oasis before the wedding with our newest member, Candice.

I cannot wait to tell about our ministry and what God is doing with our team in India, but first, Life in a Day.
For my final South Africa entry, expect to see:

  • sights of Cape Town. Beaches! Mountains! Seagulls flying against the wind!
  • songs and Bible verses recited to motions, motions and more motions.
  • the precious faces of our students at Fellowship Bible Church.
  • Ama Dip-Dips being made (these are biscotti-esque biscuits that are made fresh daily… they are sold and bring in a portion of the funding for the school. We ate lots of them this month.)
  • Rachel in her role as an upbeat, fun-loving music teacher.
  • my pride and joy: young artists at work with paint, colored pencils, markers and even sand (our lesson one day… anything can be art!).
  • an umbrella picture representing winter. We were going to make snowflakes until we were informed that in the winter, it rains.
  • Zeep, our camp-style headquarters/home for the month.
  • Michelle being really, really happy to see her Nalgene water bottle after thinking it was lost forever.
  • our teams getting to feed the families of Olaft Farms at a weekly soup kitchen.