Hello people!

I figured it was about time that this was no longer a blogless blog. My World Race squad is nearing the end of Month 2 in Ecuador and have so enjoyed being together for all-squad month. We’ve been crazy blessed by the people of IncaLink Casablanca as they have provided beds, food, mostly warm showers, and most importantly, all their love as we have lived in their space this month.

Although I’ve been in Quito for a few weeks, I want to throw it back and tell you about one of the coolest days I had in Planeta Rica, Colombia last month.

It was a Tuesday, and I wasn’t having it. It was so silly, but I was just frustrated with everyone and everything all morning, and the hottest part of the day was coming on. You see, I had been talking about mourning the loss of independence the past few days, but I wasn’t really doing that with God. I was just having a pity party for myself. Let me tell you a little bit about how our first week in Planeta Rica looked.

My team of seven girls showed up in the rural town in the middle of their summer. Siesta is certainly a thing and rightfully so. I don’t lie when I say even the hardest working person literally wouldn’t want to do a thing every day from noon til 4. The temperature is fire in this town, and it is inescapable.

My team and I had spent many, many hours in the past week all together under a little cabana in the back of the church.  I love each of my teammates, and I love who we are as a unified group. However, I am also filled up by spending time hanging out by myself and like to meet with Jesus in spaces where I’m completely alone. This was almost impossible here.

This particular Tuesday was deemed our day off from ministry, AKA Adventure Day. We kept asking around about what we should do and see in Planeta Rica, but the answer was always, “Nada.” I am not a homebody. Spending an entire day in the house with nothing in particular to do sounds awful to me. Being on the Race is reminding me how incredible it is to have a car at home and appreciate that it is generally very safe for me to go where I please. All of a sudden this was stripped from me, and it is difficult to rewire your brain and heart to make decisions always for the collective good of my team and not just roll with whatever you want.

In Planeta Rica, I would’ve been fine just walking around with nowhere to go. You almost always end up finding something sweet when you roam. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go out by myself. My teammates were all busy reading or napping or blogging (sorry guys, I want you to know all of the things but writing is like pulling teeth for me. probably worse actually.) I just felt all together stuck.

I chose my only half good option which was going two doors down from the church back to my host home. I got to the door of the church and stepped out into the ferocious sun. Then I looked up and down the street, and it was completely deserted. This was rare, you guys. There was always people walking and people on horse drawn carts and dogs everywhere and SO many motos and people sitting on their front doorsteps which I usually loved, but right now it was the best thing to be completely alone. And I had the deepest urge to just up and run away. Even if it was just around the corner, I wanted to do something defiant. Stuck is not a good feeling for me. I had my mochila on and was ready to backpack run away to anywhere else.

Well, I didn’t do it. My next thoughts were, “This is a really unhealthy way of thinking. Self, what do you need to remind yourself of?” I had decided during Launch that my motto for the year would be “LOOK AROUND YOU.” I want to live life with eyes wide open to the beauty that is always there. The Lord is always at work around us. I don’t want my heart to ever be hardened towards his incredible love for us. There are people to meet and creation to admire and things to celebrate every day. I don’t want to miss anything. But it was in this moment in the hot, dusty street that the Lord said, “You won’t even look at me, Alexandra.”

I knew it was the truth. My frustrations had built up so high because I wouldn’t bring them to Him. Our unchangeable God brings change in us, and he wanted to renew my mind. I just hadn’t given him the time and space to do it. So I went inside my host home and met with the Lord and he changed my motto for the year to “LOOK AT ME.” When my eyes are fixed on Him, I will see the beauty around me. I get to see people and life and love through His eyes. I can’t forget how beautiful this all is if I am looking at Him.  

I love this motto because the words were spoken by God from his perspective. They serve as a reminder during this season when I am seeking to know and discern His voice better that He really does speak, even to me. !!!!


Here are some things you can take before the Lord with me!

My team’s current ministry is supporting and encouraging a local church named Iglesia Alianza La Luz – Carapungo. We are teaching English classes as a way to reach out to the community and bring people into the church. Pray for Pastor Efren and his family. Pray that the church would be filled with true worshippers. Pray for sweet times with new Ecuadorian friends during our last three days of English classes.

Pray for me as I follow Jesus and walk in whatever He has for me. I just wanna be even better friends with Him!

Shouts out to all of you for your support! The Lord has surrounded me with people who are quite lit and for that I am so so thankful. 

Have a good life, people!
