My name is Alexa Kapsalis.

Daughter of Dan and Nancy and sister to my 5 siblings Andreas, Katia, Christian, Niso and Taia. 

I live in good ‘ol Indiana.

I am 23 years old and a graduate of Ball State University with a degree in Interpersonal Communications. 

I love coffee, rollerblading, running, Red Bull, One Direction (no shame), the Blackhawks, and snickers bars. 

I love learning about cultures and customs that are different than my own and believe life is best lived outdoors. 

I believe that the power of prayer and the willingness to love, can change the course of this world. 

I am constantly overwhelmed with God’s love for his people. I’m learning and being redirected everyday and enjoying this crazy thing called life. I’ve come to realize that God has each and every one of us exactly where he wants us, and will use us according to his purpose if we simply say YES. So Lord willing, I am saying YES to the World Race.

Join me in this journey as I travel to Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.