To all my supporters and everyone who has followed my trip for the past 7 months I wanted to thank you. Thank you for your prayers and financial support as I’ve hopped around the world learning what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever I go.

Thank you to my amazing Z Squad and Team Amala for loving others and doing it well. You guys have taught me so much kindness and an overwhelming amount of grace. Quite honestly we’ve been through a lot and i’m beyond thankful that you were the ones that became family for me.

Thank you to every single beautiful soul I have crossed paths with around the world. Whether it was for 1 minute or 1 month, each person I have met has moved my life.

Unfortunately, my time on the field has ended short due to medical reasons. I will not be completing all 11 months but will be transitioning back into the American lifestyle. The remaining financial support will go to missionaries on the field and to bless the organization that I’ve been partnered with, Adventures in Missions.

 I appreciate the love and concern for this time but it would be most helpful if additional questions were not asked. A way you can support me in this is please be patient with me as I transition back to Florida. Life will begin to look very different very fast and all I can simply ask is to love me through it. 


Love, Alexa