Hello everyone!

Lately some awesome things have been happening in my life and I just wanted to brag on my God for a minute here. When all of these crazy things are happening around me, I sometimes just have to ask myself, is this real life? Is this really happening? Because this is AWESOME!

The first major unbelievable moment lately happened when I OFFICIALLY BECAME FULLY FUNDED! That’s right, I already have all of the funds necessary to keep me on the race for the full 11 months. Now this is definitely something I have to praise God for, because this was all His doing. I can’t take any credit for this miracle, because I chose not to really fundraise. When I was first talking to my parents about the race, the issue of the funding kept coming up. My parents kept asking me just how I planned on raising that amount of money. Usually I would just smile back at them and say, “God will provide.” I truly believed (and still believe) that God had specifically called me to this trip and that He would open all of the doors. I decided then to fully rely on His provision. While I did send out support letters, I really wanted that to be the only fundraising effort on my part. I’ve been trying to work on releasing my control lately, and thought that this would be a good way to continue to work on trusting God in situations that I would normally want to step in.  I wanted to have faith that He would come through. And oh boy, He sure did. So I have to give a huge shout of praise to Him, and a big thank you to every one of my supporters.

Secondly, today was my last day of class ever at Meredith…uhh is THAT real life?? I can’t believe that I am two exams away from being done with school forever! Well, probably not forever, but at least for the next two years. I am so blown away that my undergrad career is over, but I have made such good friends and memories over the past four years.

Here are just a few more realizations and blessings I’ve experienced lately that I’m truly thankful for:  

  • I am graduating from Meredith in less than 2 weeks!
  • I get to meet all of my awesome squad mates at training camp in less than 3 weeks!
  • I recently got a job giving softball lessons until I launch in July!
  • My brother is officially playing for the Yankees! (Adam Warren #43, just in case you were curious)

God has been so good to me lately and He definitely deserves all of the glory! I can’t wait to start this next chapter of my life and see all that God has planned for me!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

**Since I am now fully funded, I will no longer be able to use any funds that are donated to my account. However, I do still have some equipment, medication, and plane tickets that I will have to personally pay for. If you would still like to contribute to my race, you can contact me and I will give you some more details about how to help with these expenses. Thanks!