Made it to Ukraine full of energy and a heart on fire. 

I've decided that I want to be more in the present. I've spent most of my life looking towards the future that I tend to look past what's going on now. I went through college without really remembering it or building relationships. I was concerned about a resume and making money. I started to go through the race just like that too. I'm excited to go back home to start the new things that God has placed on my heart. I want to spend the weekends downtown with the homeless building relationships and the evenings in clubs doing stand up comedy. I became worried and started to see a pattern in my life. I didn't want to go through this once in a lifetime opportunity and forget to build relationships. I only spend a little time in each country so every moment is important. Wether it's the person I stand in line at the store or the man on the bus, I want to seize each opportunity. It's the only chance I will have to encourage the and tell them about the greatest love of all. 
In order to remember to live in the present I had to give up the one thing I think about/want the most, chocolate. Yes…I have given up chocolate. For the rest of the race. That's 7 more months. I will go from eating everyday to never eating it. But every time I can't have it I will remember that I need to live in the present. 
Also, I decided only to use the Internet at the very beginning on the month and the end. I typically don't really miss home until I Skype and talk to people from home. This way it is really limited and the majority of my time I can spend with the people here instead of worrying how to get Internet.
So I'm pumped up for what God has in store. My dream is to be fearless. I tend to be shy and that is a form of fearfulness. I want not to be worried about other people's thoughts of me. And most of all fearless in telling people about my savior. I can feel this fearless pumping in my blood and I know one day it will explode. 
Anyways right now we are doing campus ministry in Odessa, Ukraine.  We are with a organization kinda like Campus Crusades. So we get to just hang out with students at the beach!