I can’t quite find words to describe these past ten days, and my squad sister put it perfectly.

“I gave my heart away without even knowing it.”

Man, is that true.

10 days, and I gave my heart away.

To gap H squad, my people, my family.

These incredible 42 brothers and sisters of mine truly bless my chacos off every minute of every day. As they soaked me with love and filled me with the deepest and purest form of joy, I let go of the fear of intimacy I had held onto for so many years. We laughed together (a whole lot), we cried together, and we praised our Papa together in every moment. We danced together, we ate together, we constantly embraced each other, and we found the sweetest freedom and love together. I could literally go on and on about each of these souls that have become so so deeply intertwined with mine, and I’m just so beyond words excited for these next nine months (and life) of following Jesus with these crazy cool people. 

To saying yes.

To bucket showers, to all nighters, to the unexpected. To serving, to reckless loving, to abandon. To dance parties, to broken pieces, to uncomfort. Every day is a choice, and I give my heart to an unending yes to all of the coolness Papa has in store, even if it means big bugs and lots of sweat.

To Jesus.

My heart was moved, shaken, stretched, broken, and made so new this week. Chains were shattered, walls crumbled as The Lord entered into the depths of my garbage and brokenness to meet me, to love me, and to set me so free. He holds my whole heart, and is doing something so beautiful with it. Our Papa is so good ya’ll!

in 10 days I gave my heart away, and I am so glad I did. Love is overflowing.

If you want to hear more about camp and my squad, contact me, I have so many stories to tell!

H squad has 50 days left here in the States! Keep the love, prayers, and support coming!