Here at the beginning and end of it all I write to you.  To encapsulate a journey like this with a few mere words would be an unrealistic feat, but my hope is to put a bow around this gift that God, through so many of you, has given me.


Let me begin by capturing the last two months of the Race that have brought me to this present moment.  Month 10, Cambodia round 2, had it’s fair share of gold, silver, and bronze.  We were partnered with a church in Phnong Phen where we held English and VBS classes for the kids.  Along with this we spent 3 days traveling to different churches in the southern provinces with the Pastor and His family.  This was without a doubt the highlight of the month.

 During one of our stays at his in-laws place, a picture of what I envisioned when I first joined the Race, I had privilege of partaking in one of the most memorable moments yet.  We were planting lemon trees, and in the process of moving dirt from the farmland to the site, for the first time in my life I got to carry a yoke with a heavy burden.



“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:30)


As I’ve experienced and seen revealed time and time again during the course of this year, scripture isn’t talking about some un-relatable concept.  It’s alive, It’s real, and It’s relatable, especially when you’re trudging through the rain soaked tundra of Cambodia carrying a yoke!

Outside of this however, creativity was crucial.  We had solid dosage of free time in which God continued to solidify and train in me the importance of living out your time wisely.  He placed two books in my lap this month that He used to absolutely revolutionize my life.

The first, The Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence), transformed my concept of God with us.  I understand God’s omnipotence and all that beauty, but truly living fully within that reality of our full access to our present God is a whole new world!

Hands down must read (Also it’s very short so no excuses!)

The second, The Pursuit of God (A. W. Tozer), brought to a fuller light what the grand purpose of our lives truly is.  Our faith isn’t restrained to a church building or to days of the week, but it is rather a relentless pursuit day in and day out after a God who relentlessly pursues us day in and day out.  Life is about a constant glorification of our Father by enjoying Him every single moment of every single day.  Life is missions.

Highly recommended and as of right now free on Kindle

Now onward to Vietnam.  In so many this month was such a vivid portrayal of God’s sovereignty and goodness.  We had the privilege of teaching English and music to over 20 absolutely incredible kids connected with a church in this fishing village just outside the city of Vung Tau.

The connection we were able to establish with them was revitalizing!  They are such sweet kids with amazing hearts and to be able to spend such intentional time with them was so impactful.


Vietnam Heart.jpg


I’ll never forget the moment on my birthday when I sat there blindfolded with Choe, the Pastor’s 4 year-old daughter, on my lap.  My ears caught the sound simultaneously with my heart, as the kids began to sing out an English/Vietnamese rendition of “How Great is Our God” all around me.  I was brought back in an instant to Serbia when we had listened to the world edition of that song, and now, sitting here in Asia with the cutiest little girl on my lap, I was getting a live performance!  It sent chills through my entire being.




There were countless moments like this throughout the month, ones that will stick with me for the rest of my life.  In so many ways it brought finality to this entire journey.  As they saw us off we all held hands and they prayed for us.

From holding hands and being sent off in Ethiopia over 1½ years ago to this moment right here… what a ride.  I liken these past few days to a grand crescendo of sorts, all God’s taken me through, taught me, and transformed in me beautifully collaborating together in profound harmony.  It was literally the perfect month to cap it all off.   




The last 11 months of my life have exposed me to the world beyond my world.  If there has been one major underlying observation I’ve made it’s this: we’re all pretty similar.  From the US to Europe to Africa to Asia people are people.  Sure cultures, traditions, and languages are different, but when you scratch away the surface you’ll see that the cores got the same origin.  We all got our desires, loves, heartache, and pain.  Bottom line: we’re all in this together.

So here’s what I’ve seen.  Ditch the concept of geographical local dictating missions.  In my opinion that’s been one of the biggest hindrances of modern Christianity.  If you’re a Christian, you’re on a mission… always.  How often we allocate our lives into this and that when it’s only this.


I’ve been very privileged to experience what I have this past year.  I cannot properly express my gratitude to you all for your endless prayers and support that have enabled this to come to pass. Your generosity and love for me has not gone unnoticed.

Thanks for believing in me, thanks for investing in me, thanks for doing this thing with me even if it was from thousands of miles away.  Thanks for it all!


I would like to leave you all with a final experience leading to recommendation.  Over the course of the Race I have been reading and studying through the entire Bible chronologically.  It has been one of the most impactful and greatest endeavors of my entire life.

Throughout this journey I’ve experienced countless valleys, mountains, and all the in between.   To have absolute truth being ingrained and constantly churning in my mind has enabled me to endure and truly enjoy all seasons.  And it all comes down to love.  How He has used this love letter to draw me into deeper intimacy with Him is something I desire and crave for all to experience.

The Word is transformational, real, powerful, live-giving, and absolutely vital.  Out of love for you all, I strongly recommend reading through the Bible in a year.  And I will leave you at that.  Love you all!