So the last couple of blogs I’ve posted are more about how God’s working in my life or speaking to my heart, which is awesome, but I’d thought I’d give everyone a more tangible update about the progress I’m making toward my big departure in June.

  I braved the terror that is REI, a store filled with crucial outdoor supplies I need but knew absolutely nothing about.  After I think 4 trips to Nashville and the nearest REI, I’m actually pretty much fully equipped. I’m the proud owner of a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad and my large backpack to carry around my life in along with a lot of smaller stuff. The employees who actually do crazy stuff like this regularly were able to help a total rookie like me out, but I’m glad all that’s over with. Oh and speaking of terrors all my shots are out of the way as well and I only had to get 2 which is great because there’s nothing in life worse than a needle.
  Also, this past weekend I had the great opportunity to spend a few days in Atlanta and meet some of my soon to be teammates.  They were all awesome, and at least for 2 or 3 days we all seemed to get along well and love each other.  It definitely makes training less intimidating since not everybody’s going to be a stranger, and it easily makes me more excited about the Race than ever before.
  Then there’s the biggie- fundraising. Fundraising has definitely been an experience. I can’t give an adjective because there are so many to describe it, and they vary by the day.  I won’t lie- somedays it really stinks. A total amount of $14,300 is pretty darn overwhelming, and I’ve definitely faced some hurdles to even get as far as I am.  
  But without a doubt the positives have overshadowed the negatives, and I’m loving seeing God work in my trip even before I leave. Just over 40 days ago, I had $212 in my account.  In that short span, over $5,300 has been put into my account.  This is a process that could easily make one jaded, but I’ve been overwhelmed to see the support I’ve got. People I haven’t seen in years, people I don’t ever even recall meeting, and people who seemingly have much more important things to give their money to have all given. The first concrete goal is approaching: I need $8,500 total, or slightly less than $3,000 more than I have now, before training next month, but seeing the support I’ve already received I’m confident that goal will be reached. 
  I prayed before I sent out my first letter that God wouldn’t make this process easy, but that I would see Him working in it and He has absolutely answered this prayer. Some days I regret making that request, but to see how He’s using others is absolutely worth it. 

To all of you who have supported me financially or with prayers: the deepest thank you from the bottom of my heart. Obviously, I couldn’t do this without you, and I’m so grateful.
  So what’s next? In just over a month, I have training from May 22-30 in Georgia. I get to come home for a few days and take a deep breath, and then I leave for New York City for a family vacation June 5th, and most likely will not come back home before leaving for Ireland somewhere around June 15th. That’s so soon to me.
  Finally, you can still help me out financially.  If you haven’t donated yet, please consider going to the donate tab on the left side of this page and helping me out. You can also click on this link to print out a support card with my name and the AIM address on it, which you can mail in with a check:   You can donate one-time now, or maybe you could decide to support me monthly. 

If you have donated then your continued prayers would be wonderful: for fundraising, for God to prepare me for this great task, to not become overwhelmed by everything left to be done, and for my family and I since being separated for a year is no easy task.  Finally, if everyone could tell just one person about my trip and site or send them this link that would be huge, and I wouldn’t begrudge you if you told two.  Please, please help me spread the word.

So that’s life right now. I promise to keep everyone updated as June draws nearer.
Thank you all for your support. You’re an absolute blessing. 