Over these past 7 months we have been refined and reshaped
in ways we never fathomed. Sure we all had our ideas, and had heard the
stories, but still many of us find ourselves awestruck at the changes. For me
personally it has been a wake up call… a call to leave the old behind for good
and take up my inheritance as a daughter of God. To declare the truth that was
spoken over me long before I was born…

In the movie “Fame”, in the finale, the words are as follows:

hours of learning more,

hours of knowing less,

Can’t look
behind you, you have to look ahead


So many
doubts running through your mind

All the
excuses, don’t have the time.

All the
rejection you have to leave behind,

Leave it all


Hold your

Don’t ever
let it go

Be yourself
and let the world take notice

You’ll find
strength when people bring you down

They will see
if you would only …only believe”

The words struck me as I look back on these past seven
months… I have spent countless hours on the Race learning more and more about
God, who He is, who I am in Him, how the church is called to live, what being a
Christ follower looks like, about the Holy Spirit, etc. and the more I learn,
the more I realize how little I know. The next few lines are what resonated
deeply in me as I mused over the months…

“Can’t look
behind you, you have to look ahead…

So many
doubts running through your mind

All the
excuses…Don’t have the time.

All the
rejection you have to leave behind…

Leave it all

I, well all of us, must look ahead… Fix our eyes on the
prize to which we have been called to. And We don’t have time for the malarkey
the enemy throws at us. We don’t have time for the excuses, we don’t have time
to move forward carrying rejection or the fear of it. We’ve got to leave it all
behind… a reckless abandon of all that malarkey… Leave it all behind.

So here I declare that I am not bound
to my past.

I am not a captive of fear nor a
slave to men.

I am
from rejection, from man’s judgment,
from the malarkey of the enemy.

I am
of being pursued by the
Lord and by a man after God’s heart.

I am
created in His image
there is nothing that must be altered about my image. It is perfect just like
He made me…

have wisdom
and a gift to share
with others.

Lord is my shepherd… I have all that I need

I am not a slave to finances for my
Father has infinite resources.

I am
to dance and praise His name

I dream God sized dreams for I am called to live in a God sized reality.

me is
the power and authority
given by the Father to heal the sick, raise the dead and to set the captives

have the Spirit of the Lord within me
, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, a Spirit of power,
of love, and of sound mind.

I am
a beautifully fierce Daughter of God

and I am not the same woman I was when I left seven months ago…

I have been called to bring forth
the gifts that were knit into the fiber of my being and invest them for the
Lord. I have been called to declare the Truth using all my gifting and
resources. And in these past 7 months I am being moved deeper into that

So now I ask you these two questions:

What malarkey will you sever ties with?

What truths…truths that were spoken over you
long before you were born… do you declare?