I just got back from training camp, and let me just say this….it was AMAZING! 

Meet my squad below…We are called Z-Squad, our color is purple, and we are from all over the United States, each person wildly different. ALL of us called for a unique purpose. Leave life as we know it, travel the world to share Jesus, together.

(scroll down)

When you think of church, what do you think of?? 

Did you think of… Family? Unity? Love? Purpose? Gods presence? Gods Power? Worship? Hope? Freedom? 

Many perceive church to be a “Building” or a “Service”, some would continue to go on to say “Perfect people” or “Hypocrites” even the word “Religious” comes up quite often. Lets talk about it. 

Church is a lifestyle. 
Church is growing in intimacy with Christ. 
Growing and building each other up-in community. 
Church is mission- We make disciples, we bring His love, hope and healing everywhere we go.

WE are the church. We just need Jesus, each other, and our purpose. 

“There is one Lord, one Faith, one baptism, one God and Father over all, who is over all, in all, and living through all.” 
Check out Ephesians 4 (its GREAT)

Meeting my squad was something that I had been looking forward to since I got accepted to expedition, and then theres also that thought in the back of your mind…I wonder if all 24 of us, from different backgrounds, different personalities are going to get along? We are about to live with each other for a year! 

At training camp, I unplugged from the world and my life back home to really press in, get to know and love each person on my squad. What I gained from it, are memories and relationships that I know I will always have and never forget. They are my family! 

How is it possible that people from all over the US, different backgrounds, personalities, gifts, experiences; can come together and be a family in 10 short days? Not just that, but BE the church.

First…Our identity comes from God, not ourselves and not from other people. 
It is so easy to try and perform to look for affirmation and acceptance from the people around you. It is only when you let go, be VULNERABLE, and humble with the people up front of you, that you can finally be yourself and be community. 

Second…Be intentional in your relationships. Truly love others. Get to know them! PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY and BE with the people you are with!! Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love (Ephesians 4). 
Speak the truth in love…You must give feedback to each other, good and bad! Also, seek feedback-this is another way of being vulnerable with one another and it helps you grow! (Forgiveness is HUGE btw, it is not a feeling but a choice)

Third…Embrace that you are wildly different. Wild Difference is Unity! Different gifts can bring in tension, competition and comparison…every person and every gift matters. Allow each others uniqueness to shine, we need each other! Be humble, don’t think of yourself as better then someone else! Serve one another by acknowledging the gifts and character that God has placed inside each brother and sister.
“He makes the whole body fit together, perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love”(Ephesians 4).

Fourth…Mission. Our mission is to love God and Love people. Mission exists because worship doesn’t. We go out to take worship to every nation and every tongue. The gospel is words and deeds. Your story matters, and the world needs to hear about what God has done in your life not someone else’s. When you tell someone else’s story then your life is an echo not a voice.
Be bold, share your faith!  
The holy spirits power is activated in your life when you “Love God, Love People, AND Love yourself” Trust the Holy Spirit, Get ready to be uncomfortable!

I BELIEVE in my heart, that God has called us to be ONE! To Love each other and to BE intentional with people. 

While at training camp, they gave us an opportunity to go out and make a memory with each other. That memory was filled with us not just having fun with one another, but we got to bring joy and love to the people God put in our path. It was incredibly beautiful to see a group of people come together for one purpose of loving Him and truly loving others while enjoying the life God has given us!

I am so excited to serve along side of my new brothers and sisters over the next year, God is going to do amazing things. You can meet my squad on my blog (on the left). I encourage you to pray for them, read their blogs, encourage them along their journey, and donate! We are believing God to be fully funded as a squad before we leave in August. Love you and thank you for joining our journey!