

Cartagena is one of the most beautiful places! Back home, Costa Rica, one day I was talking to a friend that she is from Colombia and she told me that Colombians are the happiest people on earth. I didn’t believe her, i thought Costa Ricans were. 


When I arrived to Cartagena the first thing that i notice it was happiness in the town of San Francisco, the guetto!! Yeah Yeah!! I couldn’t believe how happy they were every time we were out of the house kids smile at us and  they couldn’t stop hugging us and saying how pretty we were, they were showing love toward us. 


But what is love without Christ? 


On the first week I met Yanny and her mom. They both were lovely, always smiling and Yanny behave so good. She had good manners; instead of calling me by my name she called me ma’am! She lives across the street and I always saw her doing her chores! Her mom came to our English classes so that she could learn English better and get a better job for her and her daughter so she always came and try to learn English with a smile on her face.


It was beautiful to talk to them. It didn’t matter what you said to them they were always right next to me with a big smile. 


But so many times I wonder what’s a smile without Christ ? 

What’s a huge without God? 

What’s love without the Holy Spirit? 


Its still love..  

We love because he first love us but sometimes love can be given in the wrong way.


We try and we try… But we know that we cant give joy or love without Christ, we need him and when we realized that we need him and he is the only one that is going to fulfill us after that he’ll give us supernatural happiness, joy, love, you name it, if its from Christ is like  if it would be out of this world! Is an unexplainable type of Love that you have and People can see it, and people might want it and  kids  they can see it easier! 


Yanny wrote  a letter to me saying:

Miss, I wanted to tell you thank you for all you have been teaching me, English and kickball. You are like a mom to me, my parents dont treat me like you miss. I want you to be my mom. 


I tear up because I felted Joy and sadness, joy because that love that she saw it was Christ. I wasnt even trying to love her really I was just beeing me but she saw Christ love through me. I also felt sadness because they are loving her not in a wrong way but kids can see a difference on Christ love and human love.


I know that Yanny’s mom wants a change in her life but she needs prayer!! 


Its a beautiful story that I could experience because I could show them how Jesus love and I show them that Jesus can do it, you just need to ask him. 


There was also another story that impacted me. We did a lot of skits because its easy and the message behind them are really good an effective specially for kids. I was narrating the good Samaritan skit. After we finish  we pray and talk about it and one of the girls came to me and start talking how that skit impacted here. I was intrigued and I ask her how? She told me:


Yesterday in my house a guy came and steal my TV and a lot of things at home. Everybody knew who was the person who steal most of our belongins so that day my dad went and look for him and he was really mad. So he try to explain the situation to his dad but he didn’t believe him so he end up everything in a fight.


She was really worried when she was telling me all this, but she kept telling me the story


She said, that know she understands what is good and what is bad to God. She told me that she wanted to make a chane in her life and that she wanted to be like the good Samaritan. I have a lot of hope for her. I really hope that God put that seed on her and that she would make a change in the future.





He was definitely my favorite kid. I know that I am not supposed to have favorites but he stole my heart. His smile was my favorite and his attitude towards me. One day we were walking together and as usual I wasn’t walking in the sidewalk and he hold me and told me that was dangerous and after that he stopped a car seriously he stopped the car in the middle of the street so that we could cross the street. He was awesome.


But his story is really sad, Alex told me about him and he said that kid lives in a broken home. He doesn’t go to school, he spends most of his time on the streets and not doing anything good, but he doesn’t know any better. If you are a kid in this neighborhood is really common that the drug dealers would give to Pablito the drug and he would take the drug and give it to the person who is buying it. It’s a really sad situation but is really common. I am really praying for him and I am really happy that he has Alex Rocha. I know Alex ministry is showing so much love to all the community.


Please pray for Pablito.