“I walk with the God of the Impossible”

This is a phrase my friend told me a few months ago. He pointed out to me that we don’t live this life alone. That we have an ever present God with us and that every thing we face in life can be done with the God of the impossible.

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth. He created it all with His Words. As He spoke, things that were not there, came to be. God then formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. This is amazing!

Eventually man sins against God. This brought separation between God and man. Man was no longer in a right relationship with God. There needed to be a sacrifice for man’s sin. God put in place a plan to redeem mankind and bring them back into a right relationship with Himself. God did this because He loves mankind so much. God walked in the garden with man. He created a world to be enjoyed. He created work for man to enjoy. So to redeem man, God gave us the ultimate gift: Himself. He so loved the world that He gave His Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty of sin so we can come back into a right relationship with Him.

This is the Gospel. This is the “Good News”.

Jesus came, died for our sins and returned to Heaven. What He did next was absolutely incredible. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live and dwell in us! Jesus said to the disciples, “But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you“. (NIV)

Jesus said that it is “for our good” that He is going away, so that He would send the Holy Spirit to live and dwell in us. It is no longer just “God with us” (Emanuel) it is God in us. We get the gift of the Holy Spirit which is God living in us.

I have have been coming to realize that this gift is no small thing. What makes me, Jordan, a sinner, so worthy of having God come and dwell inside me? The answer: Nothing I have done, but what Jesus has done. How does God even trust in me, one who makes mistakes daily, to put His Spirit inside of me, a man? I don’t understand. And that’s okay. I don’t have to understand why. People get so caught up in trying to understand the mysteries of God. If we were able to understand Him with our small human minds, He wouldn’t be much of a Big God.

God chose to dwell in man. He desires to be with us. He poured out His love for man. When we receive this great gift, we are entering into another Kingdom. The Kingdom of God. We are seated in Heavenly places.

Throughout the Bible we read stories of Men who listened and obeyed God and did amazing things. God told Noah to built an ark to save himself and his family. Noah listened and obeyed God. God told Abraham to leave his family and move to another land. Abraham listened and obeyed God. God sent Moses to go and set God’s people free. Moses listened and obeyed God. Joshua Listened and obeyed. Elijah listened and obeyed. Gideon listened and obeyed. The list goes on and on and on. History is full of men and women who heard God speak and obeyed Him.

The thing about these people, is that what God was saying to them, did not make sense to them. More than less, God asks us to do things that really do not make much sense to human thinking. This type of obedience requires faith. It’s fairly easy to obey God when what He is telling you to do makes sense. But when God tells you to do something that really contradicts how this natural world works, you should get excited. This means God is about to perform a miracle. If God asks you to walk on water (and defy the law of gravity) do it. It won’t make sense to your mind. But in the Spirit, it makes sense. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we live by faith, not by sight”.

Because we have the Holy Spirit that lives in us, He is going to be speaking things to us and be giving us little nudges into the impossible. Be okay with that. It’s God. He knows what He is doing. Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. His ways are better. As the men of faith mentioned above listened and obey, miracles happened. Read their stories. God did huge things in their lives. They stepped out in faith and God did the impossible.

This is the God that we walk with. Don’t let fear hold you back from living an abundant life. Let go and let God. It’s not a lonely road, because God is always there to lead us. When we walk with the God of the impossible, miracles will follow.

Listen and obey.