Hi guys

It’s been so long since I haven’t write but I promise you guys that I had internet in Bolivia only for 1 hour seriosly. I was workin in a super small town called Apolo. It didnt have WI-FI haha and only 5 computers… seriosuly! for a town! I was so happy about that!

Well I want to tell exactly what’s going on.. We’ve done a lot of traveling, seriosly. We leave Atlanta on the 3rd of July at 3:45 and arived to Miami. had a lay over from there and leave the airport at 10:40. From there we just fly to Bolivia. Our first month of the World Race. We arived at 5 ish and from there we waited until a car that was picking us up. We leave the airport at 7 in a Land Crusier with 11 people, our big Backpacks and day packs and start our adventure from there. The mountains were amzing and I was seriosly just glorifying the Lord all the way to Apolo. We arrived to our destination at 10… and believe me, we were tired, and the first thing they told us was that we were actually going on a hike to a small Indigenous village called “Mojos”, we were really excited but we were tired. The next day we wake up at 4 am and leave Apolo with an awesome group of people from Illinois. our adventure started there. Took a 3 hour car drive. Walk about 3 days to get there and share Christ with them. It really didn’t impacted me at first until one of the older ladies was crying because she told us that she had so much Joy in her because we went and spend time in here house. That was so awesome. I seriously wish I could have spend more time in there. I seriosly can see God working in that village. There are 17 families and 14 of them became Christian not t long ago. Isn’t that amazing? yikes.About the next day we went down and walk about a 2 days to et to Apolo. I meet awesome people and I was so blessed to actually meet them, but we had to say goodbye and stay in Apolo.

This was Mojos, It was one of the mostt beautiful villages I’ve been.

Our time in Apolo was really good, we work with kids and adults. We were spreading God’s word through our talking. it was awesome because everybody wanted to actually talk to us and just know what we were doing s it was a huge oportunity to share about Christ. We met a couple of people that everytime we saw them on the streets we had a conversation with them. So that was pretty cool. Marni, she was from Canada and she lived in Apolo since 10 years ago.. ish. Gonzalo loved to talk to us, he was from Apolo and lived in the states for a couple of years so it was easy for us to comunicate with him. Miki and Cuca, they lived there since 2010, and we meet them because we stay at the Hotel and it was such a blessing in our lives because they talk in English and we could share Crist with them in such a nice way, they actually open there house to us and they were the ones that blessed us. Then Jonathan and Ruben actually they lived with us and they were youger than us. They were in High School and we love them. 

This is Apolo, it was cloudy that day. It was so beautiful.

We also were able to preach in different churches. We preach in the Baptist, Asambleas de Dios and Iglesia Mundial. So we preach in does churches and I was translating, so a lot of people in my group actually had the chance to talk about the Gospel and sing our songs, or at least listen to them. We also had the opportunity to paint the Baptist Church and the Day care at the Lutheran church, which ended up looking so pretty! SORRY I didnt took a pictures of it… 

This were a couple of kids. That day we play soccer with them and there were about 30 kids or more in a small town called Santa Barbara, which was 1 hour away from Apolo.

During our time Bolivia we stay with the Pastor Max and Claudia. They were amazing host and it will be awesome if y’all can pray for them. There ministry is amazing. Seriosly, if someone is pasing by through Apolo and dont have money and need a place to stay, they open there house to them. At there house there was at least 20 people a day. They were amazing and I was really happy to be able to stay with them and get to know them better.

Also it was a blessing to meet Mr. Phil and his family during our time in Bolivia. he is a truly men of God who is serving  the Lord since he was born. it was a blessin to meet him and his family. Please pray for his family so that they will continue doing his job in Bolivia and that od will keep providing .

We love our time in Bolivia. We love the people and I  hope I can go back to Bolivia. Right now I am in Peru writting this Blog and I seriosly i can tell you that Bolivia will always be in my heart. 


PLEASE PRAY: That I would keep sharing Christ and Love people. Also soon is my next deadline so i will appreciate if y’all can pray for it and support me.

On our way to Apolo we stop by the lake Tikikaka. 

Cool fact of the month: There were a couple of times that we were in places that were 15000 ft. That’s the highest I’ve been in my life.