This was a thing Jess ( did for our three teams this month and I really liked it and wanted to share it..take some time and think about what the words mean..

B elieving what is true about yourself
E xpecting to be molded into the likeness of Christ
A ccepting that you were made in His image
U nderstanding that who you are is not how you look
T rusting the Lord’s judgment when it comes to who He says you are
Y ou are the definition of BEAUTY
I gnoring what the world says
D eveloping Christian character
E mulating Christ
N ever settling for less than who God has called you to be
T hanking God for who He has created you to be
I ncreasing His influence on your life
T hinking more highly of who you are in Christ
Y earning to see His face in the mirror
I nvesting in who you want to be
M oving past who you used to be
A ccepting the challenge to grow in areas of weakness
G lorifying God with who you become
E nduring trials that will help mold you into the likeness of Christ
C onfessing where you fall short
H onestly evaluating where you are in life
A pproaching God with your weaknesses
N oticing the areas in your life in which you can still grow
G iving full control of your life to Christ
E njoying the path God takes you on to become the person He calls you to be
C hoosing to quit focusing on the external
H aving a positive attitude
O nly declaring what is true over yourself
I gnoring the lies of the enemy
C elebrating who He has created you to be
E xchanging the way you view yourself for the way He knows you
T aking inventory of the lies
R eplacing the lies with things that are true
U sing the tools God has given you to fight the lies of the enemy
T raining yourself to immediately cast out lies
H abitually speaking what is true over yourself

your BEAUTY is part of your IDENTITY it is not an IMAGE that you have to CHANGE it is a CHOICE to believe the TRUTH