Here are the counties that I am privileged to serve at while on the World Race!


Recently, Zimbabwe struggled with hyperinflation. Under the current regime, the human rights violations continue. Zimbabwe also has one of the lowest life expectancies. Zimbabwe is also home to intriguing ruins and shares Victoria Falls with Zambia. Botswana has the second highest HIV infection rate, second to Swaziland, its southern neighbor. The land itself struggles with drought and desertification yet boasts the largest elephant population in the world in one of its national parks. The majorities of both populations identify themselves as Christian but very much need people like you to advance the kingdom with love and in power.

South Africa

While it's been several decades since apartheid has formally ended, there’s still more healing and reconciliation to take place in South Africa. One of the wealthiest countries on the continent yet much of the population living outside the cities is poor. Like the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, this country struggles with a high rate of AIDS/HIV. Host to the 2010 World Cup and breathtaking natural attractions, it’s also a place full of kingdom potential, waiting to be released — by you.


The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people and breathtaking scenic views, it's also where the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rate lives (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It's estimated that by 2050, Swaziland may cease to exist. Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation in desperate need of attention. For years, Adventures has been committed to seeing these statistics reversed. Here, you’ll most likely find yourself involved in a variety of outreaches, including education, orphan care, care point feedings, and more.


With nearly a sixth of the world's population within its borders, India is a country bursting with people and culture. Home to a diverse array of beliefs from Hinduism to Islam, to a blend of folk religions and other faiths, it is a country of pluralism with twenty-nine languages spoken by over a million native speakers, multiple religions, cuisine, socio-economic classes, and political parties. India's struggles with poverty and crimes of human trafficking, forced prostitution, religious persecution, and more. You might work with local churches to encourage believers and most likely be challenged by their testimonies. Your presence'll bring hope and truth to those that society deems "untouchable."


This Asian island nation, former Spanish colony then American protectorate, is a country in tension, trying to cross the threshold between the third and first world. It offers a variety of landscapes – beaches, mountains, volcanic lakes – and languages, with Tagalog as the national tongue. The Catholic Church is a substantial piece of the religious pie, however, and Islam is growing in the island of Mindinao. The Filipino people and culture love music, dance and community. While there, you may find yourself living with and giving hope to the destitute, caring for orphans, and challenging the growing number of Christ-followers to rise up.


Host of the 2008 Summer Olympics and home to 1.3 billion people, China’s not just grand in land mass and population. Beside the Han Chinese, there are over fifty minority groups. While China has grown in leaps and bounds industrially, intellectually, and economically, it's still a politically closed nation. Depending on where you are, you may meet Buddhists, Muslims, and Taoists; there are even churches – government approved and regulated. The underground church is extensive and continues growing, even thriving, amidst persecution. While there, you'll have to pay homage to the Great Wall, and bring light and hope to a people in darkness and depression. How you'll do that exactly – you'll find out once you get there.


This Eastern European country is caught between its past oppression under the Soviet Union and the desire to be accepted by the West. People in the east tend to be more nationalistic than those in the west, where Russian is more commonly spoken. There’s a substantial orphan (social and full) population and human trafficking’s an issue here, too. Most people claim to belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox church, which is subdivided into three bodies. God’s desire is to bring hope, peace, authentic relationship with himself, and unity to this nation; you’ll find out how exactly you’ll participate in that!


Once a part of Romania, this former Soviet republic declared independence in 1991. Moldova, one of the poorest European countries, is riddled with a high underground crime rate. This country is vulnerable as a transit point of human trafficking. The main language spoken is Romanian (also called Moldovan) but there's debate as to what the Moldovan ethnicity is exactly. We need people who will bring kingdom clarity and declare the peace of God over a land filled with confusion and chaos.


"Hondo" comes from the Spanish word for depth and there's lots of depth to Honduras. It's home to the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, whose ruins are still stand. Honduras is mostly mountainous and the weather's as tropical as it gets. What really runs deep in Honduras are its needs. Honduras is the third poorest in the region, after Haiti and Nicaragua. Like her neighbors, Honduras has had her of share political/military troubles, e.g., the six-month constitutional crisis in 2009. There's a need to reach out to the youth, not just to keep them out of trouble (e.g., gangs) but for them to know their worth and that they're loved.


This location is always a World Race favorite. It's a country full of wonderfully warm and caring people, and participants always leave having had a powerful experience. However, hopelessness, addictions, destitution, and poverty still plague the many lives of Nicaragua. There are orphans who have grown up without knowing the love of a parent and families who get by each day by scrounging scraps from the city dump where they have made their homes. In Nicaragua, you'll have the opportunity to bring God's love through slum ministry, door-to-door outreach, outreach to children, and more.

Costa Rica/Panama

Costa Rica is a hot spot for surfing and just enjoying "pura vida" – literally, "pure life", it's a concept of a chill, relaxed, laidback way of life. While the natural beauty attracts lots of tourists, large pockets of poverty and family brokenness exist. Much of Panama’s revenue comes from the eponymous canal, expected to be wider by 2015. The double-edge of the canal is the spike in drug-trafficking. Panama also houses the largest rainforest outside the Amazon but suffers from crime in its urban slums. In these relatively well-off Central American countries, you’ll find creative ways to bring more life and light to the people.

I am so excited to be in each of these countries but I have to say I can't wait to go back to China (even though it will probably be freezing!) I also have always wanted to go to India and am thrilled to go back to Spanish speaking Central America where God first put orphans on my heart in a big way. That's not to say I'm not excited about Africa and Europe, I'm mostly excited to see how God is going to show up, for I know it will be in HUGE ways!