Milked a cow, that’s a first. You cannot successfully milk a cow without then drinking the fresh cow milk-nice and frothy..word to the wise though, when trying to chug the fresh milk, don’t look at the people around you because you will laugh and milk will explode out your nose. Milked a goat also, have yet to milk the dog or kitty, but I’ll keep trying..
Romania is beautiful, livin the simple life this month..workin at getting a camp ready for summer. Here with two other teams, so company is good and life is fun. We knoooww how to wash some carpets..I surprise myself at how much I enjoy the simple months.
The closer I get to home, the more I realize how much I will miss this life and even these people. I really am living a dream here and some of the things that matter month one no longer matter. Priorities have shifted, life has changed, I have changed.