I'll be honest… I don't have many friends.  To be BRUTALLY honest… a lot of people don't like me when they first meet me.  I usually don't know what to talk about when I meet new people, and as a result I end up being pretty quiet… but when I finally say something, it often comes out wrong.  My surroundings change more than I'd like, whether that's moving to a different state, or change in employment, or the decision to whole-heartedly follow Christ about 18 months ago.  So, odds are, YOU and I probably don't know each other too well.  Thank YOU for reading this despite that likely truth.  Thank YOU for being interested enough in me and the work I am doing and hope to do for GOD'S glory.  Thank YOU for praying… because I need it.  All of it.  This trip seems like the absolute craziest thing… I DON'T enjoy trying new foods (I know there will be days that I will tell myself I'm fasting, when really I just can't imagine eating what's in front of me), I NEED alone time, can't sleep without my puppy cuddled up with me, can't wake up without a shower… the list of things I will be without is rough.  Fundraising… oh man… what a mountain… I go to a small church that doesn't actually sponsor ANY missionaries.  My "social circle", again, is small.  I need YOUR prayers.  In my heart, I know that God will carry me through this time.  That I will be better than fine as long as He is with me when I'm hungry, crowded, dirty, and without my Jack Russell.  I know that the Body of Christ (YOU) will sponsor me even if my "church" will not.  That my "social circle" makes loops around the earth when my brothers and sisters in Christ are included.  It's gonna be tough… it's ALREADY tough… but I KNOW that YOU & I & GOD… we got this in the bag 🙂

Thank you for being YOU!